HealthManagement, Volume 3 / Issue 5 / 2008

The 1st Advances in eHealth and Telemedicine International Conference took place in Warsaw, Poland, during the autumn days of 2008. The conference was designed by and for an audience of international healthcare and ICT professionals that included: clinicians and health professionals, health information technology users and buyers, directors, managers and administrators, health informatics professionals as well as academics, relevant regional and national public authorities and policymakers, regional and national standardization authorities and vendors.


The key topics covered at A@HTI 2008 focused on the experiences and new ideas of services designed for benefits of the patients such as:

Ó Telecare of chronic diseases (diabetes, musculoskeletal, arthritis, COPD, thromboembolic problems, etc…)

Ó Market issues, legal issues, reimbursement and business models, user acceptance, user friendliness

Ó Mobile Telemedicine

Ó Teleducation in Medicine

Ó TeleCardiology and TeleRadiology and technologies supporting diagnosis

Ó Telemedicine Practical applications in medical specialties

Ó Evidence Based Telemedicine and eHealth


The conference on Advances in eHealth and Telemedicine represented a good opportunity for participants to share experiences and views on how to concentrate the efforts to enhance telemedicine and e-Health usabilty by users, politicians, administrators, experts, developers and providers.


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