HealthManagement, Volume 3 / Issue 2 / 2008

Turkish Doctors Pilot New Decision Support System European and Turkish doctors and technicians have developeda medical support system (Saphire) which can track patients’real-time vital signs, link them to patient medical history,and provide the latest clinical guidelines for patient care.The Intelligent Clinical Decision Support System (ICDSS) canalso notice the doctors when necessary and offers a rangeof services that combine scattered information stored in differentsystems into a new, more powerful application.


Doctors hope it will mean certain patients can be transferred to regular wards sooner, making beds in critical care units available. The system has also been designed to provide a boost to the training of young doctors and it is supposed to minimise the risk of medical errors, and a far better level of at home care too.


The team are now seeking to commercialise the Saphire platform for use in hospitals globally.


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