FT Cyber Security Summit

FT Cyber Security Summit 2018

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Cyber security attacks continue to dominate news headlines. Data breach costs can exceed £4 million. Global cybercrime costs could reach £5 trillion by 2021. As criminals find increasingly innovative ways to bypass software and controls, how can we shift the focus to resilience and active defence? How will interconnected systems be defended and by whom? How can we restore the public’s ‘crisis of trust’? Where is the line between data capture and privacy?

The fifth annual FT Cyber Security Summit will continue to explore global cyber threats being faced and which business preparedness, resilience and solutions are required to ensure a robust defence. Leading experts will talk about a range of issues, including preparing for what’s next, building a security-focussed corporate culture, driving adoption of Nextgen security solutions, maintaining credibility after a hack, how to approach data privacy; in addition to interactive business continuity and resilience scenario planning activities. Moderated by Financial Times journalists, this event will provide a thorough interactive assessment of the dangers in cyberspace and how businesses and governments are investing in better defences for a more secure future.


  • Find out about new legislation on the horizon and how this may impact your business or organisation requirements and obligations
  • Meet cyber security experts and thought leaders from a wide range of organisations and locations to discuss how to enable a collaborative approach
  • Troubleshoot with public and private sector to ensure that government initiatives are meeting demand and filling all the necessary gaps
  • Learn from sectors who are further ahead and better equipped for cyber security resilience and recovery
  • Test your ​cyber resilience strategy and real-life business readiness through interactive cyber attack scenario planning and response sessions
  • Network with over 150​ experts and decision-makers at this global, annual thought leadership and scenario planning event​



Businesses – Financial Services, Insurance, Energy, Telecommunications, Utilities, Retail, Pharmaceuticals, Entertainment, Manufacturing and Transport

Policymakers – Federal, State and Foreign governments; Supranational Bodies

Public Sector Organisations – Police, Security and Intelligence Services, Healthcare, Emergency Services, Industry Regulators

Service Providers - Software Vendors, Technology Platforms, Law Firms, Consultancies

Influencers – NGOs, Universities, Research Institutes, Industry Associations


Chief Executive Officer, Chief Information Officer, Chief Technology Officer, IT Director, Chief Security Officer, Chief Information Security Officer, Director of Security/Information Security/Digital Security, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Compliance Officer, Director of Risk/Crisis Management/Business Continuity Planning, Head or Director of Fraud Prevention/Intelligence/Forensics/Investigations, General Counsel, Head of Legal Affairs, Chief Legal Officer


Monday, 15th Oct

Registration and networking


Chair's opening remarks
Hannah Kuchler, San Francisco Correspondent, Financial Times


Opening keynote: Scoping the future of cyber security and how companies and government can prepare for what is to come
This keynote will review:
- What are the geopolitical and macroeconomic risks that could impact cyber security?
- How will the increasing number of interconnected systems be defended and by whom? How will this redefine liability?
- Why have we entered a ‘crisis’ of trust and how can it be restored?
- How can the security layers and tools be future-proof for the integration of new technologies ie AI and quantum computing?
- What is the “active defense” model and is it the right approach for anticipating and isolating attacks?


Government panel: Where is the right place to draw the line between data capture - or surveillance - and privacy?
- How do national cyber security strategies approach the issue of data privacy? How does this differ between countries or regions?
- How are governments collaborating with corporations via information sharing on best practices and lessons learnt to ensure that critical infrastructure is protected or isolated?
- How can the public and private sectors forge partnerships to secure the whole supply chain?
- What are the differences between the public and private sector organisations in terms of funding levels or transparency obligations?
- Has GDPR been enough to restore the public’s ‘crisis of trust’?
- What legislation is coming up?
Peter Brown, Group Manager Technology Policy, Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)


Live hacker interview
This session includes a live demonstration of the vulnerabilities within systems that can lead to your corporate data being accessed and made public. It will provide practical advice and logical methods for maintaining security. The session will also explore the importance of monitoring the entire network, and developing internal hacking skills.

Business leadership panel: Building a security-focussed corporate culture across the Board
- Who should be held accountable in a cyber-attack and a data breach?
- Are CISOs being involved in board-level discussions to ensure that updates and an understanding of their obligations?
- What governance principles have been applied in terms of liability thresholds (who is responsible), duty of assistance (when to intervene), and requirement of cyber insurance?
- Who is responsible for financing and prioritisation of cyber security budgets?
- Which cross-functional departments struggle the most with or are impacted the most by cyber security obligations and breaches?
- Has the organisation implemented a clearly laid-out set of standards for accrediting relevant IT professionals? Are relevant staff aware of how to make use of registered cyber security experts?
- How can a cyber awareness culture be established and maintained within the workplace?
- In the future, will software producers be legally liable for faulty software?
Phil Venables, Partner and Chief Operational Risk Officer, Goldman Sachs
Mark Chaplin, Chief Risk Officer, Aviva

Closing keynote: How to maintain credibility after a hack with multiple stakeholders
In the new age of trust individuals can have more sway than traditional institutions, and customers are now social influencers who define brands. Therefore following a security breach, it is vital that the media response is part of the recovery phase. This keynote will explore the following areas:
- If there is a breach, what are the options for first response? Should the alarm be raised immediately, or does admitting to the breach represent a further security risk?
- Numerous stakeholders must be informed but how should the message differ to ensure the company retains control of the information?
- What is the role of social media?◦
- Is a crisis response team and external communications policy in place and do the teams understand their roles and obligations?

Chair's closing remarks

Networking drinks reception



Tuesday, 16th Oct

Registration and networking

Chair's opening remarks
Hannah Kuchler, San Francisco Correspondent, Financial Times

Opening keynote: Scoping the future of cyber security and how organisations can prepare for what is to come
This keynote will review:
- What impact will the innovation in technologies – like biometrics, predictive analytics and AI have?
- How can AI address the fundamental challenge of legacy security protocols?
- How do cryptocurrencies and blockchain impact cyber security measures?
- What is the “active defense” model and is it the right approach for anticipating and isolating attacks?
- How can organisations ensure they are prepared and anticipate what is next?
Dr Alison Vincent, Group Chief Information Security Officer, HSBC

Live interview: Embedding Nextgen security solutions to drive adoption internally, across the supply chain and to consumers
- How can flexible and adaptable security layers be enabled to allow for evolving technology and enable greater convenience and security?
- How can we strike the right balance between security and delivering the simplicity and convenience that people demand in today’s digital world?
- How can we ensure that consumers feel their personal information, money and identity are secure in the digital age?
- What is the future for wearable technology and voice authentication?
- What security technologies have huge potential in securing our digital future?
- How can we ensure external services across complex supply chains are also secured?
- What are the must-haves in terms of cyber security, and how can companies calculate a sensible budget for them? Should cybersecurity budgets scale up in line with the size of the company?
Interviewee: Michele Hanson, Chief Information Security Officer, News UK
Interviewed by: Alexis Conran, TV presenter and actor, writer and former presenter, The Real Hustle

- 360 degree panel: How are Financial Services continuously responding to a complex and evolving risk Environment?
- Cyber attacks against this sector have grown in number, size, and sophistication. This is complicated further by a rise in merger and acquisition (M&A) activity and global expansion which creates an even greater challenge in integrating different infrastructures, databases, protocols and computer assets across multiple jurisdictions.
- Defending the digital landscape in a cohesive and holistic way is a huge challenge.
- How are financial regulators helping to protect the system?
- Has collaboration and information-sharing between relevant institutions (government, banks, regulators) been achieved?
- If trust has emerged as the key competitive differentiator, how will this impact the financial services supply chain?
- What is the update on cyber-protection regulations specific to the financial industry?
- How have the challenges of compliance to existing complex regulatory requirements, including those on anti money laundering, KYC and sanctions and data protection, been met?
- How can AI and machine learning be implemented effectively to support compliance, improve monitoring and reporting, and prevent illicit financial flows?
Dr. Marc Hofmann, Chief Information Security Officer, SWIFT
Cheri McGuire, Group Chief Information Security Officer, Standard Chartered Bank

Networking break

CISO thought leader dialogue: Live scenario response to a cyber security attack
During this live session we will follow the story of a response to a major cyber incident. A number of leading cross-sector CISO panellists will then discuss the key stages of the recovery plan and how they would have responded to ensure operations were recovered quickly and the impact was minimised.
Flavius Plesu, Chief Information Security Officer, Bank of Ireland


Business continuity and resilience: Interactive scenario contingency planning round tables
Cyber response is about asking questions and making key decisions about the recovery stage based on the understanding of the incident. Simulation of a cyber emergency scenario is a critical part of building cyber resilience into your organisation. This interactive exercise will challenge the participants to make decisions that will influence the outcome of the cyber incident story. At the end of the training there will be time to reflect on the outcome of each group’s decisions, providing insights into the impact of the decisions made.

Each group will have a specific cyber security challenge assigned to them and a leader to guide them through the scenario response process. Once the damage has been assessed ie what is the attackers goal, what type of incident is it, how serious is the incident, has the system been compromised; you will need to agree with the group how do you isolate that breach, who has been affected and should they be informed, how can business be resumed quickly and securely, what are the priorities, who should lead on the business continuity, what are the next steps, who needs to be informed, have stakeholders, staff or the press already found out?

In terms of the recovery steps, what can you do to prevent the attack from happening again, are your monitoring tools and processes sufficient, which of your pieces of equipment or devices are the most vulnerable, are your critical data and systems backed-up, what is the “cyber kill chain” ie a sequence of stages required for an attacker to successfully infiltrate a network and exfiltrate data from it, how can your monitoring and response plan be improved?

SCENARIO 1: One of your employees has opened a spam email which contained malware that has enabled a hacker to gain access to the network

SCENARIO 2: Following a data security breach a reporter has gotten wind of details about the attack and has been in contact with you

SCENARIO 3: The CEO is angry about how the response is going and creating more problems than they are solving

SCENARIO 4: Your system has been compromised and there is a blackout at the power station affecting thousands of customers and putting increasing pressure on the rest of the network

SCENARIO 5: At the airport, the customer management system has been hacked and there is no data available at this stage

SCENARIO 6: One of the team has accidentally provided the password for a database of customer information and several unauthorized access attempts have been made

SCENARIO 7: The CFOs laptop has been stolen from the organisation and despite being password-encrypted, the security settings are not that high and it contains very sensitive business data

SCENARIO 8: One of your executive team members has been threatened and has provided a team of unknown hackers with detailed information of your cyber security

SCENARIO 9: A few of your PCs infected by a ransomware attack, how can you prevent it from spreading?

SCENARIO 10: Reports of multiple, seemingly unrelated, cyber incidents are occurring at the same time including phishing attempts and a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, how do you respond?

Summary of interactive scenario planning sessions

Chair's closing remarks


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Super Early Bird Ticket (ends 20 June)
£899 + VAT

Early Bird Ticket (ends 20 August)
£999 + VAT

Standard Ticket
£1,299 + VAT


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