HealthManagement, Volume 5 / Issue 5 / 2010

An epSOS Projectathon was held in Slovakia to test whether the interoperability of country's healthcare systems meets epSOS specifications. The conclusion was a positive one with epSOS determining that 10 pilot sites can begin sharing real patient data from early next year.
epSOS, a large scale European pilot of patient summary and electronic prescription, held the four day Projectathon to test content documents. These documents included patient summaries and e-prescription exchanges. The projectathon was an opportunity to address the key issues surrounding the sharing of electronic information including security, semantic interoperability and patient safety issues. Both developers and testers also had the opportunity share knowledge and experience.
In addition it saw nine countries - Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Sweden and Slovakia - successfully test cross-border patient data exchange. epSOS has now announced that the pilot sites will start sending and receiving patient data and eprescriptions in early 2011 for a 12 month period. More than 30,000 health professionals will be involved in the pilots in 183 hospitals, 2149 pharmacies and 1113 GP practices.