Wed, 3 Nov 2010
For the 23rd time, the congress of the European Association of Hospital Managers will bring together several hundred hospital managers, who have travelled from all over Europe. It will be, without a doubt, an occasion for rich and inspiring discussions facilitated by high-level international experts. The congress will also, and most importantly permit the gathering of professionals around the same values,...
George Witte The sudden and unexpected decease of George Witte has touched the EAHM deeply. George Witte was a remarkable standard bearer on different levels, at local level as president of the Board of Rivierduinen and nationally as for example, vice-president of the GGZ NL (Mental Health Organisation, Netherlands). Within EAHM, he was active within the Working Party Psychiatry. He even led this Party a...
France Remote Wound Care Pilot in Caen From September 2010, a regional network of skin wound telecare will operate in Caen, Normandy, France. The plan is part of the government’s drive for hospital reform and the telecare system will eventually be extended to more French cities. The brainchild of Dr. Dompmartin from the dermatology unit of the Caen University Hospital and Dr. Blanchere, head of t...
New Research Challenges in the Area of Infectious Diseases Dr Marc Sprenger, Director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), spoke about the new research challenges in the area of infectious diseases at the Shanghai Expo seminar on Research for Healthy Life. Sprenger stressed that the public health research agenda needs to be wider than just bio-medical research. Research...
Organs Just over one in two Europeans would be prepared to donate an organ immediately after their death to help someone else according to a new pan-European survey conducted for the European Commission. The results of the fieldwork, which involved over 26,000 people, revealed that 55 percent are happy to be donors, 27 percent were opposed and the remaining 18 percent had no views on the matter. Th...
How the built environment in healthcare influences output in terms of patient safety, efficiency, quality of care, staff turnover, total economy etc, is often overlooked. Perhaps this is because hospitals are different to "normal" companies; the building and the operation in public owned institutions in complex welfare models is often organised in separate political, managerial and budget systems. But in t...
Evidence-based design (EBD) is the process of basing decisions about the built environment on credible research to achieve the best possible outcomes. Healthcare leaders around the world are incorporating design elements into the built environment of new or renovated facilities that have demonstrated positive outcomes. Just as medicine has increasingly moved toward evidence-based medicine—in which clin...
Hospital patients' health can sometimes cost them their dignity as they grapple uncomfortably with mixed sex bathrooms, revealing gowns and disorientating transportation. Now an innovative project has seen designers and manufacturers hit back with bed pods, capsule washrooms and a very versatile gown. And it's only taken six months. Hospital, for most people, isn't an experience to look forward to. Even...
Steadily decreasing natural resources, pollution and global warming are some of the aspects associated by researchers to our lack of respect for the environment in the past. But even in the absence of these factors, we have no reason to not "reduce, re-use, recycle". Prudent use of resources is the name of the game and hospitals are one of the bigger waste generators in a community. The purpose of this a...
Hospital downsizing is a phenomenon characterising almost all western economies in the last decades, from the US to Europe. As a matter of definition, downsizing policy is related to a reduction in the total number of acute care beds, generally pursued by central or regional governments imposing crude ratios of beds per population, which are not based on any empirical supporting evidence on real healthcare...
The idea to be in two or more places at the same time is now feasible thanks to technology and telecommunications, which allow physicians to participate in the care of patients that are located at distant suburban communities. In the past, some patients received less than optimal treatment due to geographical remoteness, often relying on care by physicians lacking certain expertise. However, in current tim...
Hospital space can provide healing at all levels: psychological, spiritual and physical, with the architecture and interior design affecting all of them. Art has been used in hospitals since the 14th century. In spite of this, for decades the concept of art in hospitals remained a marginal one. In the 1980s, however, views began to change. In recent years, increased debate about the importance of art in...
Cardiovascular diseases play a major role in general morbidity and disability, representing one of the major burdens to our healthcare system. Telemedicine can reduce the pressure on medical experts, who are limited in number, and extend their expertise to patients in isolated or remote locations. Telemedicine appears particularly promising in cardiovascular disease, because early, tailored interventions a...
Switzerland's hospital system is subject to change. Cost containment, competitiveness, transparency of service quality, need for manpower and trend to outpatient care are the main constraints that hospitals face today. Political decision making like the introduction of diagnosis related groups (DRG) further advances this process, which will intensify networking among hospitals, promote specialisation and l...
Des Valeurs Et Des Expériences Partagées Pour sa 23ème édition, le congrès de l'Association Européenne des Directeurs d'Hôpitaux réunira une nouvelle fois plusieurs centaines de managers hospitaliers venus de toute l'Europe et sera sans nul doute l'occasion de travaux riches... Read more...
Le décès soudain et inattendu de George Witte a profondément touché l'AEDH. George Witte était un remarquable porte-drapeau à différents niveaux : au niveau local, il était president du conseil de Rivierduinen et au niveau national, entre autres, vice-président de la GGZ NL (Organisation de la psychiatrie aux Pays-Bas). Au sein de l’AEDH, il a été actif dans le groupe de travail sur la psychi...
Evidence-Based Design : Une clé Pour l'Innovation Collaborative de Modèles d'Affaires Dans Les Soins De Santé en Europe Par Pernille Weiss Terkildsen Les soins de santé et les hôpitaux de l'Europe entière sont menacés par l’insuffisance des ressources : la chasse au meilleur modèle de gestion est lancée. Nous avons besoin d'activer et de cultiver les liens entre l'environnement bâti et le...
Geteilte Werte, Geteilte Erfahrungen P. Castel Präsident EVKDZum 23. Mal führt der Kongress der Europäischen Vereinigung der Krankenhausdirektoren mehrere Hundert Krankenhausmanager zusammen, die aus ganz Europa anreisen. Dies ist zweifelsohne eine Gelegenheit für ergiebi... Read more...
Das plötzliche und unerwartete Ableben von George Witte hat die EVKD tief getroffen. George Witte war auf vielen Ebenen ein bemerkenswerter Fahnenträger: auf der lokalen Ebene als Präsident des Vorstandes der Rivierduinen und auf nationaler Ebene beispielsweise als Vizepräsident der GGZ NL (eine niederländische Organisation für Psychische Gesundheit). Innerhalb der EVKD war er innerhalb der Arbeits...
Evidenz-Basiertes Design – Ein Schlüssel Zur Kollaborativen Innovation Von Geschäftsmodellen in Der Europäischen Gesundheitssorge Von Pernille Weiss Terkildsen Knappe Ressourcen stellen für Gesundheitswesen und Krankenhäuser in ganz Europa eine Herausforderung dar – nun beginnt die Jagd auf das optimale Geschäftsmodell. Wir müssen die Beziehungen zwischen der erbauten Umwelt und der Vorgehen...