HealthManagement, Volume 6 - Issue 4, 2006

Scientific Programme

The Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) chaired by Professor Klaas Prüssmann has prepared a well-balanced and exciting programme. The programme will cover Teaching Sessions, Plenary Lectures, Mini-Categorical Courses, Debates, Discussions and Scientific Sessions with the highest possible scientific quality. The aim is to give a multidisciplinary perspective on the hottest and most recent topics in our scientific field. The collaboration with our Polish colleagues will be underscored with a back-to-back meeting of the Polish MR Society on Wednesday.


Committed to ESMRMB traditions, the scientific programme of 2006 combines ample space for current research with topical overview lectures and advanced MR education. This year's Sir Peter Mansfield Lecture will be delivered by Prof. John Griffiths, speaking about "Cancer Metabolism - From the Molecule to the Patient". Besides planning the meeting contents, the SPC has also reviewed the meeting format, seeking ways of adjusting it to changing needs and expectations.


As a result, two attractive format modifications have been introduced. The meeting's educational profile has been enhanced by extending the traditional teaching programme across the whole conference. This change is intended to increase flexibility in tailoring your personal itinerary, whether you are a basic scientist or a clinician, fairly new to MR or a seasoned expert. Also, the schedule has been slightly condensed to form a compact meeting of three days; Thursday morning to Saturday night. The overall number of sessions has been preserved, so this change comes at no expense to programme scope or diversity, instead offering more session choices than previously.