IMAGING Management
This edition of IMAGING Management focuses on a subject, which is close to the hearts of radiologists all across Europe – teleradiology. There are a myriad of changes and challenges that the introduction of teleradiology has brought, and our cover story addresses this issue from a number of angles. The first, by Prof. Johan Blickman, focuses on how the EU is working to iron out the numerous obstacles tha...
Association News
Programme Topics MIR 2006
Antonio Santoro WWW.EWGMR.ORG [email protected] The 9th Annual MIR (Management In Radiology) meeting will be held this year in Budapest, Hungary from October 5 - 7, 2006. The scientific programme, which includes refresher courses and symposia with CME accreditation are continuously updated. The main topics are as follows: ' Radiology Department Organisation; ' Teleradiology; ' RIS-PACS Interaction;...
News Update for IHE Europe
Nicole Denjoy [email protected] WWW.IHE-EUROPE.ORG More than 70 companies responded to the call for participation in the next IHE European connectathon to be held in Barcelona next April. During this connectathon IHE Europe will test the interoperability of the more than 100 systems registered and rehearse the IHE demonstrations planned for the six following European events: ' Hopital Expo,...
24th Annual EuroPACS Conference
DR. Jarmo Reponen [email protected] WWW.EUROPACS.ORG EuroPACS have announced the 24th edition of their Annual International Conference. The EuroPACS conference, one of the world's largest gatherings of PACS specialists, has also announced their call for papers for 2006. This year’s annual edition will take place June 15 - 17, 2006 in Trondheim, Norway, including between 400 to 600 delegates...
Relevant Dates
January 10, 2006: Workshop and Special Arrangements Proposal Deadline March 15, 2006: Abstract Submission Deadline April 5, 2006: Notification of Acceptance May 2, 2006: Camera Ready Paper 'Medmatic@, Vicenza, Italy, September 29 – 30 2006, www.medmatica.it; 'WCC World Congress of Cardiology 2006, September 2 - 6 in Barcelona, Spain www.escardio.org/congresses/World_Congress_ Cardiology_2006 'Wo...
Conference Date Announced
Petra Jache [email protected] WWW.ESMRMB.ORG The European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB) 23rd Annual Meeting will take place this year in Warsaw, Poland, September 21 – 23, 2006. The aim of the ESMRMB Annual Meeting is to exchange scientific information and provide an update of the newest developments in biomedical MR by plenary lectures, categorical cours...
Call for Abstracts for Forthcoming Conference
Nina Greve [email protected] WWW.CIRSE.ORG CIRSE (Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe) has announced a call for abstract submissions for their forthcoming annual society meeting, which will take place September 9-13, 2006 in Rome, Italy. CIRSE 2006, who last year celebrated their 20th anniversary, will cater for young and old interventionalists, and with approximately 38...
EU News
European Union:The Main Decision-Making Body of the EU
The Key Role of the Council The European Parliament as well as the Council of the European Union were set up by the founding treaties in the 1950s. The Council of the EU is the main decision- making body. It represents the member states, and its meetings are attended by one minister from each of the EU´s national governments. The Council of the EU has the main role in agreeing legislation, althoug...
The European Council Defines Political Guidelines of the European Union
Author Sonya PlanitzerEditor European Affairs [email protected] The European Council brings together the heads of state or government of the European Union and the President of the Commission. It defines the general political guidelines of the European Union. The European Council meets at least twice yearly (in practice, four times yearly, and sometimes if necessary more), usually in Brussels....
Austria Assumes EU Presidency Service and Working-Time Directives Pose Challenges
For the Red-and-White Striped EU Presidency Author Sonya Planitzer Editor European Affairs [email protected] On January 1, 2006, Austria succeeded Britain as President of the European Council, with the Finns set to take the helm when the six-month term expires. During the Presidency, Austrian ministers and civil servants will lead roughly 2,000 meetings both at home and in Brussels. Federal Chance...
Priorities of the Austrian and Finish Presidencies
Author Rory Watson EU Correspondant [email protected] The Austrian and Finnish governments have already established the priorities for their two Presidencies as they steer European Union business throughout the year. Whether they manage to achieve their objectives will depend not just on their diplomatic skills, but also on the willingness of the European Parliament and EU governments to strike...
Power of Legislation Priorities of the Austrian and Finish Presidencies
Author Sonya Planitzer Editor European Affairs [email protected] The power to legislate is shared by the Council and the European Parliament. In most situations, European laws are made by a co-decision procedure. This means that the Council and the Parliament jointly adopt proposals for legislation that have come from the European Commission. The Council and the Parliament can make amendments to...
Industry News
Philips iSite PACS “Best in KLAS: PACS Category”
Philips Medical Systems, a division of Royal Philips Electronics, announced that Philips iSite PACS was named “Best in KLAS PACS” in the 2005 Top 20 Year-End Best in KLAS Awards report from KLAS Enterprises. This is the third consecutive “Best in KLAS” ranking for iSite. The report categorises each vendor product into a market segment where like products are compared and ranked based on data...
Siemens Launch New Radiography System
Siemens Medical Solutions recently launched Axiom Aristos FX Plus, the new radiography system with integrated flat detector (FD) technology. The new radiography system covers a wide range of examinations including the head, thorax, abdomen, pelvis and extremities or in the trauma room. Benefits of the new system allow the user to control all system movements via wireless remote control, allowing them...
Agfa HealthCare Awarded Extensions on Two Contracts
Agfa HealthCare announced that it has been awarded a two-year extension on two multi-source contracts by the group purchasing division of Premier, Inc., Premier Purchasing Partners, L.P., to provide film and medical imagers to the alliance's nearly 1,500 member hospitals. With a combined value of approximately $150 million a year, the contracts mean that Agfa Corporation will act as a provider of a...
Rogan-Delft Appoints RAD Systems as Distributor
Rogan-Delft has announced the appointment of RAD Systems as official distributor of Rogan-Delft OnLine XS PACS solution in the California and Nevada territory. Commenting on this appointment, Bart Hendriks, Vice President of Rogan-Delft said “We are happy to be working with RAD Systems, a supplier of fully integrated workflow solutions. The combination of our PACS systems, designed to meet the work...
Hologic Announce Quarterly Results
Hologic have announced the following financial highlights of the quarter: ' Revenues of $88 million ' Backlog of $140 million First quarter fiscal 2006 revenues totaled $87,956,000, a 33% increase when compared to revenues of $66,176,000 in the first quarter of fiscal 2005. For the first quarter of fiscal 2006, Hologic reported net income of $5,716,000, or $0.12 per diluted share, compared with n...
Barco Launches 2MP Colour Display System for PACS
Barco has introduced a new member to its family of PACS display systems. Nio Color 2MP is a flexible display system that offers clinical confidence and dependable performance for a multitude of medical imaging applications, including 3D PACS, ultrasound, orthopaedic imaging, cardiology, ophthalmology, nuclear medicine and PET. It features improved grayscale image quality, colour and 3D rendering perf...
Cover Story
Teleradiology: The Way Forward Defining Our New Role
Author Prof. Iain Mccall Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Teleradiology is now widely used for the transfer of images, and for providing reports and secondary advice. It has the potential to profoundly change the way radiology is practiced and may well alter not only the established structure of radiology, but also the training of radiologists. The traditional model of the radiologist work...
New EU Frontiers for Telecardiology
Author Prof. Johan G. Blickman Chairman, Dept. of Radiology UMC St. Radboud, Nijmegen, The Netherlands [email protected] The Golden Rules: Guaranteeing Good Practice The new service environment or digital workplace will be cemented by: 'Co-operation between radiologists in different EU countries; 'Establishment of commercial agreements for consulting, providing, and sub-contracti...
The Future of Teleradiology
Author Prof. Peter M.T. Pattynama, Radiologist Secreatary General, UEMS Radiology Section Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands [email protected] Information technology has revolutionised the profession of radiology and nuclear medicine. It has made a filmless department and the viewing of radiological examinations from remote computers anywhere in t...
Teleradiology in India
Authors Dr. JR Raja Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Whittington Hospital NHS Trust, Highgate Hill, London, UK [email protected] Kasi Viswanathan CEO, PicaVox Technologies, Indira Nagar, Banglore 38, India [email protected] The potential to use technology to deliver medical services across large distances has always excited visionaries and technology-oriented healthc...
ECR 'Challenges for Teleradiology' Session Preview
Teleradiology: Pacesetter for Telemedicine and the Health Infrastructure of Tomorrow Prof. Matthias Matzko The rapidly changing European healthcare environment faces a lack of financial resources due to increasing innovations in therapy and diagnostic methods with dramatically increasing costs. IT solutions offer the opportunity to create new economical pathways of patient care. But it is a struggle for...
Managing Large-Scale Research Projects
Author Aad Van Der Lugt, Radiologist, Department of Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands [email protected] Over fifteen years ago, the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics of the Erasmus MC University Hospital, Rotterdam, established the Rotterdam Study, one of the world’s largest ongoing population-based studies. The Rotterdam Study is a prospective, population...
Neuroimaging in Geriatrics
Author Dr. Bob Barber Centre for the Health of The Elderly, Newcastle General Hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK [email protected] Currently, neuroimaging can be divided, in broad terms, into structural imaging i.e. what the brain physically looks like and functional imaging, i.e. how the brain is working. It could be argued that application of these techniques to the clinical practi...
Digital vs.Computed Radiography
Authors Dervla Sains Managing Editor, Imaging Management [email protected] The ongoing contest between digital radiography and computed radiography for first place in the digital imaging market continues to throw up new issues. Although both CR and DR improve workflow and productivity when compared to their non-digital predecessor, both have their own specific advantages and disadva...
Cost-Effectiveness in Radiopharmaceutical R&D
Author Lars Vedin M.D. General Managers CMC Contrast AB, Stockholm, Sweden [email protected] Management Practice in Small- to Mid-Sized Companies It is common knowledge that the development of a new pharmaceutical is prohibitively expensive. Blue-chip pharma companies have quoted figures in the range of hundreds of millions of US dollars, costs that are rising year by year. In today...
Technology Forecast-Imaging Services
Contact ECRI Europe Weltech Centre Ridgeway, Welwyn Garden City, United Kingdom [email protected] WWW.ECRI.ORG.UK Medical imaging plays a significant role in the diagnosis and management of disease. Technological developments have significant implications on how imaging equipment is used. Knowledge of the ongoing developments being made in medical imaging technology is essential for healthca...
ECRI Healthcare Product Comparison Chart
Computed Tomography Scanning System
Contact ECRI Europe Weltech Centre Ridgeway, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 2AA, United Kingdom [email protected] WWW.ECRI.ORG.UK ECRI is a total ly independent non profit research agency designated as a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization (WHO) . Such organizations are appointed to contribute to WHO’s publ ic health mission by providing special ized knowledge, exper tise,...
My Opinion
Interview with Jonathan Elion
Interviewee Jonathan Elion Newly Appointed Chief Medical Officer (CMO), AGFA Healthcare CO-Founder and Medical Advisor, Heartlab [email protected] Tell Us About Your Professional Background. . I went to Brown University for college and Medical School, trained in Internal Medicine at the University of Wisconsin, and in Cardiology at Duke University. I have been involved in computers since 1968...
Country Focus
The Danish Healthcare System
Author Asger Hansen Danish Association of Hospital Management [email protected] In Denmark there is free and equal access to most healthcare services, the provision and financing of which is mainly public. The Danish healthcare sector is decentralised, with the counties being responsible for hospitals, general practitioners, practising specialists, etc. Healthcare Reforms: Implementi...
Danish Society of Radiology
Author Dr. Birthe Hojlund Bech Radiologisk AfdelIngen X, 3023, RigsHospItalet, Kobenhavn [email protected] The Danish Society of Radiology has been in operation since 1921, and counts over 500 active members. Approximately every certified radiologist in the country belongs to the society. The aim of the society is to promote science, education and collaboration inside the radiology profession. Our...
Department of Diagnostic Radiology Copenhagen University Hospital
Author Prof. Henrik Thomson Chair of Diagnostic Radiology Copenhagen University Hospital, Herlev, Denmark [email protected] In this article, I will present one of Copenhagen’s largest and busiest diagnostic radiology departments, and discuss the problematic situation regarding financial administration of healthcare in Denmark as it affects diagnostic radiology. Firstly, the Univer...
Mr Research at Aarhus Hospital
Author Hans StodkIlde Jorgensen MR Research Centre, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark [email protected] The Aarhus University Hospital is responsible for the clinical education of more than 250 medical students per year. It covers basic and clinical research in more than fifty local or central laboratories spread over seven hospitals. 323 PhD students were registered at the Faculty of Health Scien...
Brain Research at Aarhus Pet Centre
Author Prof. Albert Gjedde Professor of Medical Neurobiology University of Aarhus Denmark [email protected] Focus on Pet Research Activities in Denmark The Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Centre of the Aarhus University Hospital was established on October 20th, 1993, as a joint activity supported by the County of Aarhus, the Medical School of Aarhus University, and the Medical Researc...
Congress Preview
ECR 2006 Congress Preview
Europe’s Leading Radiology Congress This year’s European Congress of Radiology (ECR) takes place March 3 – 7 2006, in Vienna, Austria. I t wi l l be the f irst ECR held under the auspices of the European Society of Radiology (ESR), uniting al l major organisations in this field of medicine. Therefore, in addition to taking par t in a scienti f i c endeavour, attendees wi l l be par t of a truly his...
CARS 2006 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
June 28 – July 1, 2006, Osaka, Japan Joint Congress of CAR/ISCAS/CMI/CAD WWW.CARS-INT.ORG The International CARS Congress provides a forum to close the gap between diagnostic and interventional radiology, surgery and informatics and t o encourage interdisciplinary research and development activities in an international environment. To increase the value of healthcare for citizens, the focus of...