A new survey of radiology professionals by InMedica found that ‘image quality’ and the ‘right balance of price versus performance’ were the most important factors when choosing a new ultrasound system. Advanced features and brand name were ranked least important, according to the results from the report “Western European Customer Insights: Ultrasound in Cardiology, OB/GYN and Radiology – 2011 Edition”.

Working in partnership with a number of leading equipment manufacturers, InMedica designed a questionnaire to gather feedback from Western European radiologists using ultrasound imaging equipment.  

“These results highlight the increasing pressure radiologists are under due to declining reimbursement rates in Western Europe” commented Kelly Barritt, Senior Market Analyst at InMedica. “Radiologists are looking for “cost-effective” ultrasound systems that can perform multiple examination types, but without paying premium prices”. Other trends highlighted in the reports included the positive impact of improved visualisation software for safer and more efficient ultrasound guided procedures.

Despite these positive results, almost a third of radiologists called for further improvements in workflow efficiency. The majority added that less complex analysis tools, more intelligent and “intuitive” user interfaces and improved software and control panels would make ultrasound easier to use. Additional system “features, settings and operation” was also ranked highest in the “most desired” additional training sought by radiologists.

Doctor’s opinions were gathered on the equipment they were using and the examinations performed. Views on system improvements and effect on work-flow, future expectations for portable and hand-carried systems, training and after sales service were also sought, as well as factors influencing purchasing decisions. 

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A new survey of radiology professionals by InMedica found that ‘image quality’ and the ‘right balance of price versus performance’ were the most...