IMAGING Management has custom-developed a new, comprehensive medical imaging technology-led guide, in association with world-renowned market analysts, Frost & Sullivan. Each edition of the journal aims to provide in-depth web-linked coverage throughout 2011 of the newest and up-and-coming trends in medical imaging technology markets in Europe and beyond. A double-page special focus section coordinated by Frost & Sullivan’s team of experts will specifically inform and update readers on the outlook for a selected technology market per edition of the journal, aiding them to make informed, up-to-date purchasing decisions.

In 2011, Technology Horizons will cover the following topics:

Issue 1: Ultrasound

Issue 2: MRI

Issue 3: Image-Guided Surgery

Issue 4: PET/CT

Issue 5: PACS

The first of these guides will be launched during the forthcoming European Congress of Radiology (ECR) (Vienna, Austria, March 3 – 7, 2011) and will allow readers to get an instant overview of which exhibitors at the congress are showcasing which products, and where to find them. 

Managing Editor, Dervla Gleeson, says “The team at IMAGING Management are very pleased to provide a practical guide for managers, that is both convenient and accessible for them, and puts them together directly with the manufacturers”. Also in the journal, you can expect to find an easy-to-read guide to the leading technology exhibitors at ECR and where to find them.

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IMAGING Management has custom-developed a new, comprehensive medical imaging technology-led guide, in association with world-renowned market analysts, Fro...