The installation is scheduled to be concluded by 2011 and will affect some 10,000 users. The University Hospital Center of Toulouse, CHU, is one of the five largest hospitals in France and is a pilot site for the establishment of a cluster-based organization as determined in the new French Hospital Governance. CHU counts 2,845 beds divided over five sites and has a staff of about 10,000 and over 1,620 doctors. Some 165,000 in-patients and 600,000 outpatients are treated per year. During the first phase of implementation, existing management tools will be replaced by ORBIS tools, including Electronic Patient Record (EPR), scheduling, activity management and communication with technical departments. They will allow for one single consolidated database of shared patient records against the 68 segregated databases currently in use. The second phase in the implementation will include ORBIS

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The installation is scheduled to be concluded by 2011 and will affect some 10,000 users. The University Hospital Center of Toulouse, CHU, is one of the f...