At the Journées Françaises de Radiologie (JFR) 2011, Agfa HealthCare is showing its most comprehensive digital radiography portfolio ever. These solutions address a broad diversity of imaging needs, delivering productivity and workflow improvement benefits, combined with very high image quality. In IT, the company is showcasing its broad Imaging Informatics range, highlighting new additions and updates.

Agfa HealthCare remains committed to offering a complete solutions portfolio for both computed radiography (CR) and direct radiography (DR) that does not compromise on image quality. At JFR 2011, Agfa HealthCare is demonstrating how the two technologies co-exist in a scalable growth path for digital imaging. From the fully robotized DR to the most basic CR system, Agfa HealthCare offers excellent image quality, always backed by Agfa HealthCare's 'gold standard' MUSICA2 image processing and the convenience of the NX workstation's single user interface. In addition, DR technologies can be combined with CR to address the facility's specific imaging needs in a highly most effective way.

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At the Journées Françaises de Radiologie (JFR) 2011, Agfa HealthCare is showing its most comprehensive digital radiography portfolio ever. These solutio...