ESUR 2021

ESUR 2021

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It is with regret that we write to let you know that we have decided that the annual ESUR congress 2020 will not go ahead as a physical meeting in Lisbon this year, but will be post-poned to 2021, again in Lisbon during the same period.

We feel that this is the socially responsible decision, in view of the on-going concerns related to the communal health risks posed by large gatherings and the need for continued social distancing. For September, the situation with regards to health risks, restrictions to traveling/meetings and patient burden of hospitals is unpredictable. We have made this difficult decision at an early stage – 4 months before our meeting – to provide some certainty in these otherwise very uncertain and difficult times.

In the coming weeks we would furthermore be exploring the various options for organising online webinars on new arguments, in order to grant continuing medical education in urogenital radiology till we will be able to meet again in person. We also view this as an opportunity to a new kind of educational courses, refreshing in its format and at the same time something new for the ESUR community.

Programme Available Online here

Registration Available Online here

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