HealthManagement, Volume 12, Issue 5/2010

During its meeting of October 15th, the Board decided on the composition of the subcommittees. We would like to share here with you the names of the members of the subcommittees together with a short description of each subcommittee as they play an important role in the dynamics of our association.

Scientific Subcommittee (SSC)

The scope of the SSC is related to the promotion of the professional competence of the EAHM-members. It also assures also the scientific level and relevance of the themes of the different activities organised by the EAHM.

The members of the SSC for 2010-2014 are:

Gerry O'Dwyer, President of SSC 
Regional Director of Operations, Health Service Executive (Ireland)
Ugo Luigi Aparo 
Directeur Sanitaire , Istituto Dermopatico dell'Immacolata, IDI-IRCCS (Italy)
Matthias Bracht 
Vorstandsvorsitzender, Mühlenkreiskliniken AöR, Johannes Wesling Klinikum Minden (Germany)
Kristof Eeckloo 
Academic Policy Advisor, University Hospital Ghent (Belgium)
Rolf Gilgen 
Spitaldirektion, Stadtspital Waid Zürich (Switzerland)
Doris Gillig 
Directrice Qualité et gestion des risques, CH de Mulhouse (France)
Asger Hansen 
Advisor international affairs DSS, Danish Association of Health Care Management (Denmark)
Paul Junck 
Président, Entente des Hôpitaux Luxembourgeois (Luxemburg)
Jørn Koch 
Commisioner, Central Region (Denmark)
Danielle Rossi Turck 
Prof. emer. Hospital management (Belgium)

Subcommittee "European Affairs" (SCEA)

Objectives of the SCEA include fostering the growing together of the hospital systems of the European countries as the basis for the construction of a Social Europe and seeking to influence European Union legislation affecting the hospital sector, in short bridging between Europe and the hospital manager.

The members of the SCEA for 2010-2014 are:

Marc Hastert 
President of the SCEA
Secrétaire Général, Entente des Hôpitaux Luxembourgeois (Luxembourg)
Gediminas Cerniauskas 
Associate professor, Faculty of Economics and Finance Management, Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)
Richard Dooley 
Network Manager Network1, Health Service Executive South East (Ireland)
Victor Herdeiro 
Administrador, Hospital Pedro Hispano (HPH) (Portugal)
Oly Ilunga Kalenga 
Deputy Medical Director, Brussels Europe Hospitals (Belgium)
Marino Maligoi 
Direktor Krankenhausmanagementund –kooperationen, HANSERAD Radiologie (Germany)
Mieczyslaw Pasowicz 
Dyrektor, Krakowski Szpital Specjalistyczny im. Jana Pawla II (Poland)
Corinne Séneschal 
Directrice déléguée, CH de Calais (France)

The Editorial Board

The Editorial Board works on the contents of this journal which is published 5 times a year. (E)Hospital plays a very important role in sharing experiences and information on hospital management amongst our members.

The members of the Editorial Board for 2010- 2014 are:

Nikolaus Koller 
President of the Editorial Board,
Krankenhaus Betriebsdirektor, Landeskrankenhaus Bruck an der Mur (Austria)
Juraj Gemes 
Vicepresident, F.D. Roosevelt University Hospital (Slovakia)
Ann Marie O'Grady 
Head of Clinical Services, Beaumont Hospital (Ireland)
Cédric Arcos 
Directeur de Cabinet - Directeur de la communication Hospices Civils de Lyon (France)
Freddy Lemants 
Directeur general. RH – HR, I.R.I.S. Hospitals (Belgium)

Maurice Van Oyen

In 1965 Mr Maurice van Oyen was nominated manager of the Sint-Janshospitaal, a hospital with 800 years of history, located in the city centre, on the site which is called nowadays "Oud Sint-Jan". In the late sixties he was one of the promoters of constructing a total new and modern regional hospital outside the city, the "AZ Sint-Jan". He remained director until 1991.

He was in favour of international contacts, exchange and experience on medical as well on management level, a tradition which is still alive in the Sint-Janshospitaal.

He was one of the founding members of the EAHM in 1970 and was active for more than 20 years in our association.

Call for Participation in the Payment Preferences Survey

In times of both quality and cost challenges for healthcare across the world, payment mechanisms to remunerate care providers and to invest in care services are under close scrutiny. Policy makers are increasingly examining and/or implementing innovative schemes that alter the scope and criteria of payment for healthcare. 

Aside of salary, common examples of payment schemes are: Fee For Service, Prospective Payment and Capitation. New forms are introduced such as Pay for Performance, Bundled/ global payment, Shared Savings, Prometheus, Warranties, etc. 

Despite growing scientific evidence of effects of various payment methods, in the end how care providers are paid depends on the negotiation and preferences of multiple stakeholders (physicians, managers, policy makers, etc.). At present those preferences are scarcely known: how stakeholders value various payment system affects which tradeoffs they make and how these choices differ between stakeholder groups. Furthermore, the fit with the latest scientific evidence is often not clear. 

A research consortium of three European Universities (Leuven, Ghent and Antwerp) is currently organising a survey study across Europe, the US and Australia to shed light on these issues. The survey will take place in the period January 1st – February 15th of 2011 and takes about half an hour to complete. This research is supported by international research experts from Europe, the US and Australia. 

Healthcare managers, policy makers, researchers and physicians are invited to express their preferences for payment systems and payment effects. Participants will receive a detailed study report explaining the results and findings, with comparisons across health systems and across stakeholder groups. 

As hospital managers are continuously confronted in their daily work with the consequences of provider payment schemes in terms of quality of care, equity, continuity, cost, unintended consequences, etc. The European Association of Hospital Managers lends its support to this study and encourages all of its members to participate.