
Volume 16, Issue 1/2014

Thu, 10 Apr 2014

Volume 16, Issue 1/2014

In this Issue

  • Table of contents
  • Editorial Board
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  • Facing Our Challenges Head on

    These days hospitals in Europe are facing considerable challenges. Every country is struggling with the same issues: how to ensure top quality, efficient and effective medical and nursing care, often under extremely difficult conditions. The economic and financial crisis is far from over; its effects are still being felt. Demographic developments warrant a change of views and alterations to our str...



  • 43rd EAHM General Assembly 28th November 2013, Luxembourg

    The 43rd General Assembly of the EAHM took place on the morning of the first day of last year’s successful congress in Luxembourg. President, Mr. Heinz Kolking welcomed the delegates and started the proceedings with his 2012-2013 activity report. Reporting on the activities of the past year, the President highlighted the importance of the EU Directive on patient rights in cross-border healthcare...

  • 2nd Joint European Hospital Conference

    November was a busy month for the EAHM. A week before the congress in Luxembourg members headed to Düsseldorf for the second Joint European Hospital Conference. Jointly organised by the EAHM, the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) and the European Association of Hospital Physicians (AEMH), the conference was another great success with informative presentations and inspiring roundtable di...

  • UK Reviews How NHS CEOS Can Transform Failing Hospitals

    Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has announced that Sir Stuart Rose, who turned around the fortunes of Marks and Spencer, will advise how another British institution, the NHS, can attract and retain the very best leaders to help transform the culture in under- performing hospitals. It will run alongside a separate review into how the NHS can make better use of its best existing leaders, socalled “sup...

  • The European Cancer Patient’s Bill of Rights

    A Catalyst for Change Addressing Inequalities in Cancer in Europe A unique group of patient advocacy organisations, healthcare leaders (including two former health ministers and a Nobel Laureate) and Members of the European Parliament against Cancer (MAC) came together to launch the European Cancer Patient’s Bill of Rights to coincide with World Cancer Day, in the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The...


EAHM Congress

  • Hospital Management in the Time of Crisis: Constraints, Challenges and Opportunities

    Attended by over 450 delegates from 18 different countries, the 24th EAHM congress was a resounding success, packed with top quality speakers, inspiring roundtable discussions and a lively social programme. The two day congress was split into three sessions: Strategic Guidelines in Crisis, Business Process Re-Engineering and New Buildings, New Logistics, New Technologies. Topics ranged from change managem...

  • Interview: Prof.Hans-Joachim Schubert

    Interviewee Prof. Hans-Joachim Schubert General Director Centre Hospitalier du Nord Luxembourg Prof. Hans-Joachim Schubert, General Director of Centre Hospitalier du Nord and President of the Luxembourg Scientific Committee played a key role in the development of the 2013 congress programme. He also very aptly summed up the main points from the congress in his closing remarks. Managing Edito...



  • Bulding a Culture of Excellence from the Ground up

    The Leadership Team Understood that there Could not be Silos or the Team Would Fail Author: Alicia Campbell Facility Director CMC-Waxhaw North Carolina [email protected] [email protected] This article discusses the key steps taken to hire and create a team at a new facility and details the education and onboarding that was used, as well a...

  • The Patient Room 2020 :Next Generation In-Patient Care

    Author: Lee Campbell Managing Editor We are moving towards patient-centred healthcare, and where better to make some positive changes but the patient room. Patients are increasingly demanding more from their healthcare providers. They are better informed and willing to speak their mind. This new situation calls for improved patient rooms; rooms that improve patient experience and even improve th...


Pharma Supplement

  • The Innovative Hospital Pharmacist

    Imagination, Skills and Organisation Interview by Lee Campbell Interviewee: Dr. Roberto Frontini President EAHP The 2014 annual congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) takes place in Barcelona and this year’s theme is the innovative hospital pharmacist. Dr. Roberto Frontini, President of the EAHP took some time out of his busy schedule to talk to (E)Hospital about...

  • From Evidence-Based Medicine to Data-Driven Hospital Supply Chains

    A Look to The Future Authors: Anita R. Vila-Parrish Julie S. Ivy Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering North Carolina State University [email protected] The Challenge of Managing Hospital Supply Chains Inventory management of medications and supplies within the hospital pharmacy is a complex task. There may be thousands of medications inventoried, the medications have varying...


Pharma News

  • Study Finds Treating Stroke Patients with Intravenous Magnesium Fails to Improve Outcome

    In the first study of its kind, a consortium led by UCLA physicians found that giving stroke patients intravenous magnesium within an hour of the onset of symptoms does not improve stroke outcomes. However, the 8-year trial did find that with the help of paramedics in the field, intravenous medications can frequently be administered to stroke victims within that so-called "golden hour," during whic...

  • Breakthrough Approach to Quickly Identify New Drug Candidates from Genome Sequence

    In research that could ultimately lead to many new medicines, scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have developed a potentially general approach to design drugs from genome sequence. As a proof of principle, they identified a highly potent compound that causes cancer cells to attack themselves and die. “This is the first time therapeutic small molecules have...



  • Monitoring Equipment to Reduce Energy Consumption in Hospitals:

    Ongoing Research by the Low Energy Hospital Project Authors: Tarald Rohde cand.oecon SINTEF Robert Martinez Norconsult [email protected] The Low Energy Hospital research project started in 2010 and will end in April 2014. It is funded by the Norwegian Research Council and public and private sector partners. The project goal is to describe the ways in which new Norwegian hospitals co...


Country Focus: Italy

  • Healthcare in Italy: The National Health Service (NHS)

    Authors: Karl Kob Secretary of the Board Gianfranco Finzi President Ugo Luigi Aparo Scientific Secretary ANMDO- National Association of Hospitals Medical Directors Article 32 of the 1946 Italian Constitution states that health, and healthcare, is a fundamental right of the individual, a primary collective interest, and guarantees free access to medical care to citizens. For the fulfi...

  • The Italian Association of Hospital Medical Directors (ANMDO)

    Authors: C. Del Giudice Vice President A. Scarmozzino Piemonte Regional President G. Finzi President K. Kob Secretary of the Board UL Aparo Scientific Secretary ANMDO – National Association of Hospitals Medical Directors The Italian National Association of Hospital Medical Directors (ANMDO) was founded in 1947 by a group of Medical Directors following a concept presented by P...

  • Politics, Economics and Technology in Healthcare :ANMDO Scientific Activity Report 2013

    Authors: Ugo Luigi Aparo Scientific Secretary Gianfranco Finzi President ANMDO – National Association of Hospital Medical Directors The National Congress is the main scientific event of the Italian National Association of Hospital Medical Directors. Last year the 39th ANMDO national congress was held on September 25 to 27 in Rome. The theme was "Politics, Economics and Technology: Health...



  • Faire Face à Nos Défis

    Les hôpitaux en Europe font face à des défis considérables. Chaque pays est confronté au même problème: comment assurer la qualité et l'efficacité des soins malgré des conditions souvent extrêmement difficiles. La crise économique et financière est loin d’être finie et ses effets se font bien sentir. L’évolution démographique est un facteur du changement annoncé pour nos st...

  • La 43e Assemblée Générale De L'AEDH Le 28 Novembre 2013 Au Luxembourg

    La 43ème Assemblée générale de l'AEDH a eu lieu dans la matinée de la première journée du congrès de Luxembourg. Le président Heinz Kölking a accueilli les délégations et a débuté par le rapport des activités 2012-2013. En évoquant les activités de l’an passé, le président souligna l’importance de la directive européenne relative aux soins de santé transfrontaliers et le su...

  • Executive Summaries

    Interview : Pr Schubert Le professeur Hans-Joachim Schubert, directeur général du centre hospitalier du nord et président du comité scientifique luxembourgeois, a joué un rôle clé dans l'élaboration du programme du congrès 2013....



  • Unseren Herausforderungen Entgegentreten

    Die Krankenhäuser in Europa sind in der heutigen Zeit erheblich herausgefordert. In allen Ländern geht es darum, unter sehr schwierigen Bedingungen die medizinische und pflegerische Versorgung mit hoher Qualität, hoher Effizienz und Effektivität zu sichern. Immer noch wirkt die Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise. Die demografische Entwicklung erfordert ein Umdenken und wandelt unsere Strukturen und Pro...

  • 43. EVKD Generalversammlung

    Die 43. Generalversammlung der EVKD fand am Morgen des ersten Tages des erfolgreichen Kongresses letztes Jahr in Luxemburg statt. Präsident Heinz Kolking hieß die Delegierten herzlich willkommen und gab mit seinem 2012-2013 Aktivitätsbericht den Startschuss für die Versammlung. Bezüglich der Aktivitäten des letzten Jahres unterstrich der Präsident die Bedeutung der EU-Richtlinie für grenzübe...

  • Executive Summaries

    Interview: Prof. Schubert Prof. Hans-Joachim Schubert, Generaldirektor des ‚Centre Hospitalier du Nord’ und Präsident des Luxemburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Komitees, spielte in der Entwicklung des 2013 Kongressprogramms eine Schlüsselrolle. Er fasste auch die Hauptpunkte des Kongresses in seinem Schlusswort äußerst treffend zusammen. Im Interview mit Redaktionsleiterin Lee Campbell ging Prof....