Fri, 22 Mar 2013
It was a spectacular apology that David Cameron offered in parliament for the deplorable state of affairs that was allowed to persist for years at Stafford Hospital. As far as we know, the poor quality of care of a hospital had never before been quite so intensively, media-frenziedly discussed in any European parliament as it was in this case. The official apology of the British Prime Minister was offere...
Building on the WHO strategic objective to develop managerial competencies, the International Hospital Federation (IHF) proposed an international approach to developing core leadership and managerial competencies for healthcare managers, in partnership with the following organisations: Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO)American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)European Association of Hos...
A revolutionary new smartphone app designed by Birmingham Children's Hospital - the first of its type in the NHS - is making patient and family feedback quicker, easier and more effective than ever before. The Birmingham Children’s Hospital Feedback app has been designed to enable children, young people and families to interact with the hospital in an innovative new way to send their thoughts and...
In December 2012, two decrees appeared in the Belgian Official Gazette concerning the recognition of the particular professional title of hospital pharmacist. The decrees both form part of the reform of hospital pharmacist training courses and usher in a new recognition that will become operational in 2013 Following consultations with academics and professional associations, a clear consensus emerg...
The European Commission’s latest eHealth initiative, the “eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020 - Innovative healthcare for the 21st century”, builds on the foundations of the 2004-2012 plan, and sets out ambitious measures for implementing eHealth across the EU with the slogan of “lifting barriers to smarter, safer, patient-centred health services.” Launched in December 2012, the plan provides a...
Challenges of Hospital Management The situation of hospitals at the end of the last century could be defined as transitional; between a stable model of partly predictable changes and the new schema of the healthcare environment and hospital management we know today. Hospitals are evolving within this new framework and the challenge for the mana...
Attractive to Patients and Staff Alike For more than 800 years, the Saint-Jean Clinic has provided care at the heart of Brussels, where it was the first private hospital. In our long history, we have prided ourselves in the ‘Saint-Jean Philosophy’ which characterises us; an all encompassing philosophy which is probably impossible to define precisely, but most importantly puts the human experienc...
The final report of the public inquiry into care provided by the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust has sent shockwaves across the NHS in the United Kingdom. The implications of this report, which received significant media attention, are likely to have a profound effect on the healthcare sector in the UK and serve as a warning for hospitals and healthcare systems around the world. The Inquiry...
Clinical Aspects and IT Requirements Public health authorities face massive strain on their financial capacity and resources due to the explosion in the development of new medical technology, and the ageing population. New reforms in legal initiatives prompted a radical change of the market structures which are being replicated in today’s health systems. The EU, for example, intends and has planned f...
Present Situation and Perspectives Background Nowadays, available drugs cannot adequately treat all patients: side effects without clinical improvements or clinical improvement associated with relevant side effects can occur, as well as benefits and adverse events. The expectations for new drugs are, therefore, very high, both from the healthcare system and the public. However, the development process of n...
The two organisations representing community and hospital pharmacists in Europe have come together to make a declaration on the development of the pharmacy profession. The joint statement by the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU) and the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) is entitled “The Role of the Pharmacist in Optimising Patient use of Medication” and represents a ca...
Hopkins Scientists Create Method to Personalise Chemotherapy Drug Selection In laboratory studies, scientists at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center have developed a way to personalise chemotherapy drug selection for cancer patients by using cell lines created from their own tumours. If the technique is successful in further studies, it could replace current laboratory tests to optimise drug selection t...
EU PROTECT Project Achieves Key Objectives The PROTECT project, a public-private partnership for innovative methodologies in pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology coordinated by the European Medicines Agency, has reached a crucial stage with the delivery of two databases which will offer access to important data resources for pharmacovigilance activities and pharmacoepidemiological studies. The PROTE...
Data privacy awareness has increased significantly within the health sector over the last few years; this is mainly due to EU and national legislation. Another reason is the adoption of new technologies, such as the electronic patient file and electronic prescriptions. However, data privacy is not limited to Information Technology (IT); the physical protection of paper files, CD ROMs, USB sticks, etc. shoul...
The Golden Rules of Cost Management Both managers in the medical imaging department (MID), as well as hospital managers, are seeking new ways to provide an optimised service within a climate of shrinking healthcare budgets, competition from private imaging centres, and increased demand for evidence based medical provision. In this article, I will outline four key ways in which the MID can attain these goal...
Doing more with less is one of the great mantras of management. However, during this time of constrained resources, can service quality really be improved while cost savings are made? In the last two years, the Irish Health Service has demonstrated that it is possible and much of the progress can be attributed to better managers and to better management. Some of the figures speak for themselves. 2012 saw a...
Like most European countries, Ireland, and consequently, its health service, is having to cope with an ageing population. Each year the total number of people over the age of 65 grows by around 20,000 persons. The Department of Health predict that the population of over-65s will more than double over the next 30 years. This will have significant implications for health service planning and delivery. Irelan...
The Institute of Healthcare Management (IHM) is the leading membership organisation for health and social care managers and leaders in Northern Ireland. In recent years, IHM Northern Ireland and the Health Management Institute of Ireland (HMI) have collaborated in a number of cross-border initiatives, including shared learning for members. Louise McMahon, current Chair of IHM previously worked in the Repub...
TIRER LES LEÇONS DE SES ÉCHECS Les excuses que David Cameron a prononcées au Parlement britannique pour les abus qui avaient pu se produire pendant des années dans l'hôpital de Stafford étaient extraordinaires. À notre connaissance, la mauvaise performance d'un hôpital dans l'accomplissement de sa mission de service public n'avait jamais été dénoncée aussi efficacement par les médias dans un P...
L’AEDH DEVIENT PARTENAIRE AFIN D’ASSURER LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DU LEADERSHIP ET DES COMPÉ- TENCES MANAGÉRIALES À UN NIVEAU INTERNATIONAL S'appuyant sur les objectifs stratégiques de l'OMS prévoyant de développer les compétences managériales, la Fédération Internationale des Hôpitaux (International Hospital Federation, IHF) a proposé de soutenir les bases du leadership et les compétences manag�...
L'évolution du rôle de l'hôpitalPar Roland Ollivier, Emilie Hericher, Cedric Arcos La situation des hôpitaux à la fin du siècle dernier pourrait être définie comme transitoire, entre un modèle stable de changements partiellement prévisibles et le nouveau schéma de l'environnement des soins de santé et de la gestion des hôpitaux que nous connaissons aujourd'hui. Les hôpitaux évoluent dans ce...
AUS VERSAGEN LERNEN Spektakulär war die Entschuldigung von David Cameron im britischen Parlament für Missstände, die laut Presseberichten, über Jahre im Hospital von Stafford geschehen konnten. Unserem Wissen nach wurde die schlechte Leistung eines Krankenhauses in der Wahrnehmung seines Versorgungsauftrages noch nie so Medienwirksam in einem europäischen Parlament thematisiert. Die offizielle Entschu...
EAHM ZUSAMMENARBEIT ZUR ENTWICKLUNG INTERNATIONALER FÜHRUNGSSTÄRKE UND MANAGEMENT KOMPETENZEN Aufbauend auf der strategischen Schwerpunktsetzung der World Health Organisation (WHO) bezüglich der Entwicklung von Management-Kompetenzen schlug die Internationale Krankenhausvereinigung (International Hospital Federation IHF) in Zusammenarbeit mit den folgenden Organisationen einen internationalen Ansatz vor...
Rollentausch des KrankenhausesVon Roland Ollivier, Emilie Hericher, Cedric Arcos Ende des letzten Jahrhunderts befanden sich Krankenhäuser in einer Übergangsphase zwischen dem stabilen Modell mit teilweise voraussehbaren Veränderungen und dem neuen Schema des Gesundheitswesens und Krankenhausmanagements, das wir heute kennen. Krankenhäuser entwickeln sich innerhalb dieses neuen Rahmens – die Herausfo...