Mike Biselli, former collegiate athlete, and now health-tech entrepreneur dedicated to reimagining healthcare. Mike and his team have developed a unique concept in healthcare. The creation of Catalyst HTI a 180,000 square foot, first-of-its-kind industry facility in Denver houses 50+ health-tech startups and Fortune 20s all aligned in the race to fix American healthcare.
1. What is your top management tip?
Create a culture in which risk-taking and failure are not just accepted but celebrated.
2. What would you single out as a career highlight?
To taking a dream and a vision to help reimagine the healthcare industry and making it a reality. This would be the campus I opened up in July 2018 (Catalyst HTI).
3. If you had not chosen this career path you would have become a...?
I would have inevitably become an entrepreneur no matter what. I love the challenge and excitement of taking ideas and building teams and companies to make them a reality.
4. What are your personal interests outside of work?
Skiing, camping, and global travel. All of this occurs with my incredibly supportive and loving spouse (being the spouse of an entrepreneur is a super-human skill, by the way!)!
5. Your favourite quote?
"With great chaos, comes great opportunity." Successful entrepreneurs LOVE living in this environment.