My COVID-19 Superhero is my sister, Loretta Bowen. We are a family of eight children; our father has passed and our mother is 85. Elaine Rohr has Parkinson’s disease and over the last few years has gotten worse. She is no longer able to cook or write and it is frustrating for her to have such limitations in her activity of daily living.


My mom was a very active woman and before the pandemic, she drove everywhere, went to the gym four times per week, met with various women’s groups and had a cadre of grandchildren and family who stopped by and had her over.


This pandemic has significantly curtailed all of those activities. Only about half of my siblings are in the local area. They work, have young children, and have to interact with the public. They are worried about the potential exposure and are scared to bring any infection to her so they stay away.


Phone calls help, but she does not have Facetime so interaction is limited. My sister Loretta and her husband Bruce Bowen have become her main contact and her lifeline. They keep themselves isolated and make their interactions minimal so as to reduce any potential exposure. They get together three-four times per week, include the rest of the family with Facetime videos, play cards with her, help her with any projects around the house and just make sure they have physical contact with her frequently.


Loretta and Bruce Bowen, you are COVID-19 Superheroes! You care for our mother and keep her sane and you do what the rest of us cannot and with such grace. The sacrifices you make keep our mother happier, healthier and eases the burden of her care.


We thank you!


The rest of the Rohr family, siblings, grandchildren and all.

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