The European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) is organising three workshops in different member states to support health actors to achieve greater impact when using EU Structural Funds.


The Health Gain project organises three thematic workshops to help health actors to better use the Structural funds towards better health and well-being. The objective of the workshops is to use the Health Gain Guide and apply it to Structural FUnds programming and strategic planning.


The target audience includes public officials and experts involved in all stages of the Structural Fund programme, managing authorities at national and regional levels, public health authorities and NGOS interested in applying for and using Structural Funds. The workshops are free with some travel grants available.


Workshop 1: Building institutional capacity

Wednesday 30 May 2012, Hungary, Budapest


Workshop 2:  Transition to the low carbon economy

Tuesday 12 June 2012, Cornwall, UK


Workshop 3: Using Community-led development

Monday 25 June 2012, Sicily, Italy


For more information, please visit: [email protected]


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The European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) is organising three workshops in different member states to support health actors to achieve greater impact whe...