The EPF/FPP Conference on the Rights and Needs for Older patients will take place in Warsaw, Poland 12-13 July.The conference is organised in cooperation with the Federation of Polish Patients (FPP), Member of EPF, under the Polish EU Presidency.


The current challenges confronting health and welfare systems are well known. Demography, sustainability, the shift towards personalised solutions. Where does all this leave older patients and their carers? What are the opportunities and threats that confront society in addressing these challenges whilst maintaining the respect, dignity and quality of life of older patients with chronic diseases? How do older patients fit into the current political discourse on ‘Active and Healthy Ageing’?


Following informal talks with the Polish Government and the Federation of Polish Patients, the European Patients’ Forum agreed that the rights and needs of older patients is a priority area that should be addressed through a designated high level conference.


The conference will include plenary sessions and parallel workshops, enabling interactive debate and reflection and focusing on concrete and workable recommendations to move forward in the current policy environment. The parallel sessions will be repeated, giving you the opportunity to participate in two debates.

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The EPF/FPP Conference on the Rights and Needs for Older patients will take place in Warsaw, Poland 12-13 July.The conference is organised in cooperation...