Vial’s tech-enabled CRO has announced their newest addition, Wendy Pinson, to their oncology leadership team. Wendy will be the company’s Director of Oncology. Pinson joins the team with over thirteen years of experience in clinical research. Most recently, she served as the Associate Director of Clinical Operations at Precision For Medicine. Pinson is a demonstrated leader in clinical research operations and the healthcare industry.

On her new position, Pinson said, “This is an exciting time in clinical research. With the rise of cutting-edge therapies and next-gen technology, we’re on the precipice of changing the entire clinical trial landscape. Though we’ve come a long way in oncology research, we still have a long road ahead to discover and bring effective treatments to our patients quicker. Now is not the time to stay stagnant. We must look forward to the future to build a new foundation in clinical research — one that is crafted to be more efficient, imaginative, and collaborative. I’m excited to be a part of Vial’s Oncology CRO and ready to take it to the next level for our patients and sponsors.”

Pinson will work alongside Vial’s scientific advisory board members, Dr. Arati RaoDr. Guru Sonpavde, and Dr. Antoni Ribas to refine the CRO to support oncology sponsors’ greatest needs.

The Vial Oncology CRO distinguishes itself by leveraging digital technology such as its VialConnect software and proven enrollment playbook to streamline processes. Together, these best-in-class CRO services will accelerate the development of new therapies and devices for oncology sponsors.

“Our mission to cure all human disease took a step forward with Wendy joining to be a leader on our Oncology CRO. Her experience spans tumor types, modalities and working with hundreds of sites to run successful trials. Thrilled to work closely with Wendy and reimagine Oncology trials together.” – Simon Burns, Co-Founder, and CEO, Vial.

Source: Vial

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Vial’s tech-enabled CRO, Wendy Pinson, Oncology leadership team,Director of Oncology, Vial Vial’s tech-enabled CRO has announced their newest addition, Wendy Pinson, to their oncology leadership team. Wendy will be the company’s Director of Oncology.