Ratio Therapeutics Inc., a pharmaceutical company that employs a suite of innovative technologies to develop best-in-class targeted radiotherapeutics for the treatment of cancers announced the appointment of Jacob Hesterman, Ph.D., as the company's Chief Data Officer (CDO). In this newly created role, Dr. Hesterman will build the company's data management and data sciences infrastructure. In addition to oversight of the data platform, Hesterman will manage imaging and dosimetry for Ratio's discovery and clinical programs.

"We are delighted to welcome Jacob to the management team and into a new leadership role at Ratio. He brings extensive experience in analytics and software informatics across all stages of drug development and has profound leadership experience in managing and facilitating research and development goals - qualities that align with our fast-growing company's goals and mission," commented Dr. Jack Hoppin, Ratio's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "Jacob is the perfect addition to a growing team of researchers and developers with a singular focus on delivering the best treatments to cancer patients."

Dr. Hesterman has 15+ years of experience in medical imaging, data analysis, and the management of interdisciplinary technical teams. Prior to joining Ratio, Dr. Hesterman was a founding member of Invicro, first serving as Senior Vice President of Image Analysis and then as Chief Technology Officer and ultimately as the Chief Technology Officer of Realm IDx, the parent company of Invicro. He built a 60+ person image analysis group at Invicro to provide quantitative analysis for programs across multiple imaging modalities in all phases of drug discovery and development. As CTO of Realm IDx he oversaw more than 150 data scientists focused on integrated diagnostics software and applications.

"I am excited to be a part of Ratio's team and I look forward to working with my new colleagues to enable the imaging, discovery and advancement of novel radiopharmaceuticals," said Dr. Hesterman. "I believe the team at Ratio is applying cutting-edge science and technology to the development of their radiotherapeutics and I am delighted to join Ratio's world-class co-founders, Drs. Hoppin and Babich in their commitment to developing effective treatments for cancer patients."

Dr. Hesterman owns patents for his previous work and has been a member of both the Society of Nuclear Medicine and the World Molecular Imaging Society since 2014. He holds a Ph.D. in Optics from The University of Arizona, USA.

Source:  Ratio Therapeutics

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Ratio Therapeutics,pharmaceutical,innovative technologies , radiotherapeutics,Jacob Hesterman, Chief Data Officer,CDO Ratio Therapeutics Inc., a pharmaceutical company that employs a suite of innovative technologies to develop best-in-class targeted radiotherapeutics for the treatment of cancers, today announced the appointment of Jacob Hesterman, Ph.D., as the company'