Olivier Bosc embarks on an exhilarating journey as the newly appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Eurobio Scientific, eager to contribute to the company's human and growth endeavors under the guidance of Denis Fortier. Expressing gratitude to key figures such as Jean-Michel CARLE, Hervé Duchesne de Lamotte, and the Board of Eurobio Scientific, Bosc also acknowledges the trust bestowed by Grégoire Sentilhes and the NextStage AM teams.
This move positions Bosc as a vital mover and shaker in the dynamic landscape of Eurobio Scientific, signalling an exciting chapter of collaboration and achievement. With anticipation and appreciation, Bosc embraces the challenges ahead, ready to make impactful strides in advancing the company's objectives. The synergy of leadership and trust sets the stage for a period of innovation and success under Bosc's capable leadership.