Researchers at the University of Granada in Southern in Spain have developed a system that reminds elderly people and those with special needs when they forget everyday tasks like taking medication.

The system recognises the everyday actions of the user by using radio frequency identification labels. These labels are placed on objects that the individual touches most often and are used to communicate with a computer or mobile device situated in the house or at a nearby assistance centre.

The activities of users are assessed with artificial intelligence techniques to compile a list of actions such as remembering to take keys or a mobile phone before leaving the house. The system can monitor the individual’s movements by assessing when they touch an object. A small alarm will go off followed by a reminder on a mobile device to prompt the user to take action. 

The system is said to be beneficial to those who reject the help of others and insist on keeping their independence. In this regard, the system will not change the life of the user but the lives of those who care for them.