HealthManagement, Volume 13, Issue 4/2011

The French Association of Directors and Executives of Health, Social and Medico- Social Establishments (AFRADESS) has been bringing together executives in this sector for 25 years.

The goals of the association are:

  • To meet the needs of these executives; 
  • To develop solidarity, belonging, professionalism and job security for its members; 
  • To be active in all domains affecting the management of health establishments; 
  • To influence associated policy; 
  • To defend the specific non-profit structures of these establishments; 
  • To establish networks in France and in Europe; 
  • To exchange methods and experiences of managing non-profit structures; and 
  • To organise an SOS directors plan

The specificity of AFRADESS is to maintain and active partnership with:

  • SMPS, the Syndicat des Manageurs Publics de santé (previously le Syndicat National des Cadres Hospitaliers, SNCH); and 
  • ADH, the French Association of Hospital Directors. 

This partnership allows for representation on a European level within the European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM) with seats on the:

  • European Affairs Subcommittee; 
  • Scientific Subcommittee; and 
  • Editorial board of the official journal of EAHM, (E)Hospital.

This active role in the European association allows AFRADESS to go beyond national boundaries in its the representation of private sector non-profit healthcare managers.

The social context of health and medical office in France is evolving with some major changes taking place including the tarification act (T2A) in health facilities and two pieces of legislation modifying the medico-social landscape:

  • The law of 02.1.2002 reform social and medico-social action; and 
  • The law of 11.2.2005 for equal rights and opportunities, the participation and citizenship of the disabled. 

These laws outlined the new management of disabled and dependents (the elderly). Another important reform was the establishment of the ARS (Regional Health Agency) responsible for establishing the Regional Health Programme (PRS) and the Regional Plan of Medical and Social Organisation (SROSMS).

This agency assures the successful management of the entire health network (ambulatory care/ hospital/disability/advanced age/prevention, etc.) in which the patient journey can go through, improving the flow of patients and optimising resources. Another important development is the call for projects to create new establishments and services for the disabled and the elderly in health and social sector.

The existence of an association such as AFRADESS, which brings together executives with knowledge and expertise in the three sectors in the domain of private non-profit organisations, is vital. The European link, through EAHM, allows the association to open up to the practices of other countries within European Union policies and the transcription of common texts in French law.

AFRADESS must therefore unite the key players in private non-profit organisations, working in partnership with the public sector on one side and commercial on the other in the interest of the people involved and the professionals in charge.

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