Thu, 28 Nov 2013
Author Section Editor-in-Chief – IMAGING Prof. Lluís Donoso Bach Teleradiology and telemedicine are the focus of our cover story. Teleradiology is a growing business, and whether you think it is the solution to uneven provision or part of the problem of commoditisation of radiolog y, it certainly deserves attention. Provision and regulation of teleradiology vary widely across Europe and across...
A new publication from Springer, Radiological Safety and Quality – Paradigms in L eadership a nd I nnovation i s a m ultidisciplinary c ollaboration b y i nternational e xperts. C ontributions c over a ll a spects o f t he r elationship b etween safety and quality, such as dose assessment, monitoring radiation exposure, referral guidelines, developing evidence-based policies, imaging appropriateness cr...
Dignity Health, one of the five largest health systems in the U.S., has announced the findings of a nationwide survey on the power of human kindness in healthcare and the perception of kindness in our society. According to the survey by Wakefield Research for Dignity Health, 8 7 p ercent o f A mericans f eel k ind t reatment b y a physician is more important than other key considerations in choosin...
Author Dr. Neelam Dugar Consultant Radiologist Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Trust Doncaster, UK [email protected] Key PointsRadiology report quality is integral to patient care;Standards of radiology report quality must be defined;Teleradiology and local radiology should be measured using the same qualitative standards;Both referring doctors and patients are important in m...
Author Dr. Jan Schillebeeckx Ehealth stakeholder (European Society of Radiology representative) European Commission Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology (DG Connect) Key PointsTelemedicine is high on the European political agenda;By 2020 telemedicine will be widely available across the EU;There are two types of telemedicine - as a medical act, and tele monit...
Authors Dr. Mark-Christopher Spoerl (left photo) Dr. Christian Rosenberg (right photo) Institute of Diagnostic Radiology and Neuroradiology, University Medicine, Ernst Moritz Arndt University, Greifswald, Germany [email protected] Kristin Kroos (left photo) Prof. Dr. Steffen Fleßa (right photo) Department of General Business Administration and Health Care Management, F...
Authors Prof. Roberto Grassi Radiology Dept. Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy Dr. Francesca Iacobellis Radiology Dept. Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy [email protected] Teleradiology consists of the electronic transmission of radiologic images from one location to another for interpretation and/or consultation (Ranschaert et al., 2012). Its goal should...
A Canadian Solution for Collaboration and Quality Assurance in Radiology Authors Dr. Nadine Koff President and Co-founder RealTime Medical Toronto Ontario, Canada [email protected] Prof. David A. Koff Co-founder RealTimeMedical, Associate Professor and Chair Department of Radiology, McMaster University Radiologist-in-Chief Diagnostic Imaging, Hamilton Health Sciences...
Visual Search in Radiology Archives and the Open-Access Medical Literature Authors Dimitrios Markonis, MSc 1 René Donner, MSc 2 Markus Holzer, MSc 2 Thomas Schlegl, MSc 2 Roger Schaer, MSc 1 Georg Langs, PhD 2 Henning Müller, PhD 1 1 University of Applied Sciences, Western Switzerland, Sierre, Switzerland 2 UCIR Lab Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy Medical Un...
Author Prof. Stephen R. Baker Professor and Chair, Department of Radiology Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Jersey, USA [email protected] Editorial Board Member, HealthManagement Key Points • Value in radiology is being redefined from image interpretation to clinical integration. • Traditional communication exercises still leave the radiologist remote and disembo...
Author Prof. Dr. Oguz Dicle Dokuz Eylül Üniversity Izmir, Turkey [email protected] Modern times promised humankind a great hope to lower the workload in every aspect of life. However, the story progressed entirely in a different way, and many professionals bemoan their jobs and lives due to increasing workloads. The workload of radiologists at least has been increasing for many years aft...
AuthorDan Conley Correspondent Key PointsStrain elastography vs. ShearWave™ elastographyNon-invasive alternative to biopsyMeasure tissue stiffness in kilopascalsAppropriate for detection, characterisation, biopsy guidance, therapeutic monitoring Introduction Because of the correlation between stiffness of tissue and pathological status, medical imaging m...
Author Raghuraman Madanagopal Analyst Frost & Sullivan Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women, and the second leading cause of cancer death in women around the world, after lung cancer. The incidence of breast cancer in women increases dramatically with age, with most breast cancer cases reported in women over the age of 40. Recently, the number of cases reported in women under the a...
Author Prof. Dr. Mathias Goyen HealthManagement Editorial Board Member – Industry Adviser, Academic Research Director GE Healthcare [email protected] Key Points1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Dense breast tissue increases cancer risk by a factor of 4 – 6. Screening mammography is an accepted approach to breast cancer mortality reduction. Breast canc...
Author Laura Coombs PhD Consultant Statistician American College of Radiology Reston, VA, USA Concerns about the risks of radiation dose have received increasing attention from physicians, patients and the media over recent years. In the USA, initiatives such as Image Wisely® and Image Gently® have set out to guide referring physicians and radiologists to think carefully about the impact of radiat...
Author Dr. Denis Remedios Consultant Radiologist, Northwick Park Hospital Harrow, UK Chair, The Royal College of Radiologists’ Guidelines Working Party for the 6th and 7th editions of Making the best use of clinical radiology. [email protected] Key PointsNeed for awareness that appropriate imaging goes beyond justification: the best test first.Global access to guidelines is aided...
Interviewees Professor Stephen Brown Assistant Professor of Radiology Boston Children’s Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, US Professor Thomas Gallagher Department of Medicine Department of Bioethics & Humanities University of Washington Seattle, US “we see much bigger differences in error disclosure across specialities than we do between countries” “we need to establish for radiologis...
Author Dr. Daniel Boxer West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust Watford, UK [email protected] Key Point · Delivery of radiology for acute care within a dedicated unit may be beneficial for patient outcomes and lengths of stay. · Radiology is becoming an extended hour 7-day service. · Separating acute and elective care has o...
Authors Prof. David A. Koff Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Radiology, McMaster University, Radiologist-in-Chief, Diagnostic Imaging, Hamilton Health Sciences HealthManagement Editorial Board member [email protected] Dr. Nadine Koff President and co-founder Real Time Medical Toronto, Ontario, Canada “peer review must be an educational and non punitive experience leading to overall improved...
Author Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Busch Head, Medical Department Centre for Radiology, Neuroradiology, Ultrasonography and Nuclear Medicine Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Brüder Trier Trier, Germany [email protected] When there is an increasing oversupply of imaging examination methods, services which foreseeably do not influence further treatment of the patient are superfluous, present u...
Authors B. Ortiga Deputy of Chief Executive Officer Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Barcelona [email protected] A.J Pérez Executive Officer Fundación Signo, Madrid MG. Blanco García Executive Officer Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública, Granada E. Miravalles Executive Officer Fundación Signo, Madrid P. Soley Chief Executive Officer Gerenc...
Author:Axel Fudickar Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein Germany [email protected] Hospital risk management includes human factors and technical hazards as well as leadership, procedural, educational, financial and organisational issues. The World Health Organisation’s Surgical Safety Checklist is a multifunctional risk management tool rel...
How Can Leadership Encourage Radiologists, Secretaries, Radiographers, Clinicians, and Nurses to Develop Innovative Patient Pathways? Authors Dr Agnete Hedemann Nielsen MD Radiology, Diagnostic Centre, University Research, Clinic for Innovative Patient Pathways Silkeborg Regional Hospital, Denmark [email protected] Annette Meyer Balle Radiographer Diagnostic Centre, University Research,Clinic for I...
Authors Dr. Leo Lawler Department of Radiology Dr. Matt Crockett Department of Radiology Dr. Eoin Kavanagh Department of Radiology Prof. Sean Murphy Stroke Physician Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Dublin, Ireland “in the acute setting, deciding which patients should not proceed to interventional therapy is as important as deciding which patients should proceed” Introduction Until r...
Author Professor Jonathan Moss, EBIR Interventional Radiologist Gartnavel General Hospital, Glasgow, UK [email protected] Background Hypertension is said to be the single largest contributor to death on the global platform. Estimates are around 1 billion for the world population (World Health Organization 2011). Approximately one third are treated and controlled, another third tre...
Interviewees Prof. Dominique Le Guludec EANM Congress President 2013 Prof. Dr. Fred Verzijlbergen EANM President 2013-2014 The European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) recently held its annual congress in Lyon, France. HealthManagement caught up with EANM President, Professor Fred Verzijlbergen (FV), and Congress President 2013, Professor Dominique Le Guludec (DLG), to learn their tho...
Guidelines on the Management of Stable Coronary Artery DiseasesInterview Prof. Dr. Udo Sechtem Chief, Division of Cardiology and Pulmology Robert Bosch Hospital Stuttgart, Germany HealthManagement Editorial Board member As Director of Department of Cardiology and Pulmonology at Stuttgart’s Robert- Bosch-Krankenhaus in Germany, Prof. Dr. Udo Sechtem is one of the Chairpersons of the Task...
Interviewee Prof. Valentin Sinitsyn Chief of Radiology Department Federal Centre of Medicine and Rehabilitation, Moscow President, European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2014 President, European Society of Cardiac Radiology [email protected] What are the Main Professional Challenges for a Radiologist Working in Russia Today?One of our...
AuthorProf. Kyung-Hyun Do Department of Radiology University of Ulsan College of Medicine Asan Medical Center, Seoul [email protected] Healthcare in South Korea The Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs (MIHWFA) is responsible for the health of the population, and has a supervisory role in health insurance policy. Universal medical coverage is achieved through a mandated National Health Insuran...