HealthManagement, Volume 2 - Issue 2, Winter 2008
Firstly Congratulations on Your New Appointment as ESC President 2008 – 2010. Do You Feel You have Now Reached the Greatest Heights in Your Professional Life?
Yes, I consider the Presidency of the ESC a great honour.
Which of Your Previous Roles Within the ESC are Close to Your Heart?
- Co-chairman of the Working Group on Pathophysiology of the Cardiac Myocite from 1992 – 94;
- Chairman of the Working Group on Cellular Biology of the Heart from1994 – 96;
- One of the founders of the Working Group on Heart Failure;
- Board Member since 2002;
- Chairman of the Education Committee from 2002 – 2004;
- Vice-President and Chairman of the Associations, Working Groups and Councils from 2004 – 2006, and
- Translational science.
Please Tell Us About Your Intended ‘Grand Tour’ of Other ESC Societies.
I believe that it is about time the ESC became closer to the national societies and particularly to those in transition. By visiting them, spending time with the leadership, by attending their meetings, and by establishing human relationships, I believe I can make some progress to this end.
In What New Directions Do You Intend to Lead the ESC During Your Tenure There? What will Be Your Biggest Challenge?
I would like to learn more about how our society functions, and I
need to have clear ideas on the long-term strategy. During my term, there will
be major changes, and the biggest challenge will be to consolidate the
achievements obtained so far, and to ensure compliance with long-term strategy.
Concerning Your Sabbatical from Your Clinical Duties as Professor of Cardiology at the University of Ferrara in Italy – Do You Feel Your Tenure As President of ESC will Enhance Your Role There, Once You Return?
Cardiology in Ferrara is a big family. I believe I am appreciated
as Roberto Ferrari, but of course the fact that I have been elected President
of the ESC is important for me and for the entire family of cardiology.
How will the ESC Reach Out to Include Other Developing Countries?
We aim to be more inclusive by communicating more, by attending as many national congresses as possible, by interacting with the leadership of each national society, and by being available to talk to the relevant politicians if necessary.
The ESC is Continually Expanding. Not Only this, But Attempting to Harmonise Standards Within a Fragmented European Landscape Provides a Unique Challenge. How will You Ensure the ESC Does Not Become Fragmented?
Many organisations in Europe have similar missions to ours, and we should liaise and collaborate with all of them. For this purpose we have set up five Councils, which have the specific mission of liaising with different European scientific organisations. Equally we have set up the European Relations Committee, which has the mission of liaising with different healthcare organisations.
I have already included the Chairman of the associations as ex
officio members of the Board, and I would like to have representatives of the
national societies and working groups on the Board as well. This indeed would
improve communication and reduce fragmentation.
Will the ESC Continue to Expand its Work on Guidelines and Implementation?
This will be one of our major tasks, and indeed we will continue to disseminate knowledge and implement the guidelines.