The American College of Cardiology (ACC) has partnered up with HeartHero to form an alliance to combat sudden cardiac death (SCD) and improve survival rates. For many years, the ACC has been on a mission to improve cardiac care. Now it aims to improve survival with the help of HeartHero's portable defibrillator.

SCD is a leading cause of mortality in the USA, claiming about 360,000 lives every year. A large majority of these patients die before they reach a healthcare facility. Also, a significant number of sudden cardiac death episodes occur in the home (65%), followed by a public setting (21%) and nursing homes (11%). About 37% of cardiac arrest is witnessed by a bystander and 12% by an EMS provider. Among the patients managed by EMS, about 20% have an initial rhythm (ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation) that is shockable by an external defibrillator. Today, external defibrillators can be found in most public places including airports, hotels, government buildings, airplanes, cinemas, etc. 

While the ACC has been involved in many other innovative relationships, this is the first time it has invested in a business relationship with a company that makes life-saving devices.

Early defibrillation has the greatest impact on the survival of an individual who experiences near sudden death. Current data indicate that with successful defibrillation, the national survival rate is about 10%. However, it has been known for some time that if an external automated defibrillator is applied within 3 minutes of the arrest, survival improves to about 74%. However, despite the presence of AEDs in many public places and inside many buildings this has not resulted in quick access to the device. The ACC hopes that the portability and new technology of HeartHero’s AED may change that.

HeartHero’s AED was the recipient of the Innovative Challenge award in New Orleans. It is small, portable, and user-friendly. The miniature size means that individuals at risk for sudden cardiac death can now store the device in their car, carry it home, and even have it in the office, ensuring instant access. The HeartHero AED has a visual indicator that guides the user through the resuscitation process. It also has auditory and visual aids that guide the user through the resuscitation process. 

The HeartHero AED will be featured at ACC.20 Together With World Congress of Cardiology. The device is not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and not yet available for sale.

Image Credit: iStock

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ACC, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, OHCA, HeartHero The American College of Cardiology (ACC) and HeartHero have formed an alliance to make an impact on survival rates after sudden cardiac arrest through an innovative portable automated external defibrillator technology.