Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing medical imaging, and recent research highlights its potential to enhance the detection of incidental pulmonary embolism (IPE) on contrast-enhanced CT (CECT) scans. An article recently published in the American Journal of Roentgenology summarizes a prospective study that assessed the real-world impact of implementing an AI triage system in a radiology department, focusing on the diagnostic performance and report turnaround times of radiologists.


Improved Sensitivity with AI Assistance

The study aimed to evaluate how AI assistance affects the detection sensitivity of IPE on CECT scans. During phase 1, radiologists interpreted scans without AI assistance, resulting in an IPE detection sensitivity of 80%. In phase 2, with AI assistance activated, the sensitivity significantly increased to 96.2%. This substantial improvement underscores AI's capability to assist radiologists in identifying IPE cases that might otherwise be missed. While the specificity of detection remained high and comparable between the two phases (99.1% without AI vs. 99.9% with AI), the marked increase in sensitivity highlights AI's potential in enhancing diagnostic accuracy and ensuring more comprehensive patient care.


Efficiency Gains in the Emergency Department

The study also explored the impact of AI on report turnaround times, particularly in the emergency department (ED). While the overall mean report turnaround time for IPE-positive examinations showed no significant difference between the phases (78.3 minutes without AI vs. 64.6 minutes with AI), notable improvements were observed in the ED setting. Here, the mean report turnaround time dropped from 73.6 minutes without AI to 48.4 minutes with AI. Additionally, the mean interpretation time was significantly reduced from 59.2 minutes to 34 minutes with AI assistance. These findings suggest that AI can expedite the diagnostic process in high-pressure environments like the ED, potentially leading to quicker clinical decision-making and improved patient outcomes.


Accuracy and Predictive Value

The study also evaluated the accuracy and predictive values of AI-assisted interpretations. Although AI demonstrated higher accuracy in detecting clinically significant and uncertain IPE cases, these findings did not reach statistical significance due to the small number of patients in these categories. Specifically, the accuracy for clinically significant IPE was 92.3% with AI compared to 75% without AI, and for clinically uncertain IPE, it was 100% with AI versus 83.3% without AI. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in the overall positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) between the two phases. These results indicate that while AI can enhance the sensitivity of IPE detection, its impact on the overall predictive accuracy of radiologists' interpretations remains consistent.


This prospective study demonstrates that integrating AI into routine radiology practice can significantly enhance the detection sensitivity of incidental pulmonary embolism on CECT scans without compromising specificity or overall predictive accuracy. Moreover, the use of AI can reduce report turnaround times in critical settings such as the emergency department, facilitating faster clinical responses. These findings support the broader implementation of AI-assisted diagnostic tools in radiology to improve patient care and operational efficiency. Future research should continue to explore the long-term impacts and potential limitations of AI in diverse clinical settings.


Source: American Journal of Roentgenology

Image Credit: iStock


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AI in radiology, pulmonary embolism detection, CECT scans, AI triage system, radiologist efficiency, medical imaging AI, incidental pulmonary embolism, AI diagnostic tools, report turnaround times, emergency department AI. AI boosts incidental pulmonary embolism detection on CECT scans, enhancing radiologist efficiency and accuracy. Learn more in our latest study.