The AI-Rad Companion, our family of AI-powered, augmented workflow solutions, helps you to reduce the burden of basic repetitive tasks and may increase your diagnostic precision when interpreting medical images.

Its solutions provide automatic post-processing of imaging datasets through our AI-powered algorithms. The automation of routine workflows with repetitive tasks and high case volumes helps you to ease your daily workflow – so that you can focus on more critical issues.

Up-to-date algorithms and scalable offerings

Our state-of-the-art algorithms will be automatically distributed to you as a user as soon as they are officially released and made available. Once the images are post-processed by the AI-Rad Companion, it supports your interpretation of the data by automatically providing results of its analysis to you for review, confirmation and possible inclusion in the final report or care pathway – to raise your precision and ensure high quality outcome in diagnostic decision-making.

All our AI-Rad Companion extensions are deployed via the teamplay digital health platform. This approach eases regular updates as well as upgrade processes and facilitates the integration of new offerings into the existing IT environment.

Starting from ordering a patient study, continuing along the entire imaging workflow to the final interpretation of images by the physician: The “Imaging AI in Practice” demonstration at this year’s RSNA shows how new technologies and communications standards help to integrate artificial intelligence into your daily radiology practice using real-world clinical scenarios. In this multi-vendor and truly collaborative approach, RSNA brings together 26 systems of 16 vendors and explains respective benefits of integration into daily clinical routine.Join the multi-vendor interoperability demonstration which is part of the RSNA program to learn more about our Siemens Healthineers Digital Health and Imaging IT solutions!

Webinar with Dr. B. Sabel 

Digitalization and smart data integration have the potential to contribute to serious improvements in cardiovascular imaging and care. Problems with regards to timing, efficiency, and missed diagnoses occur at all stages along the patient pathway, also when it comes to diagnosis and treatment decisions. AI-based applications can support you in clinical decision-making and in achieving enhanced outcomes for your patients, especially in cardiovascular care.

Watch the recording of the webinar with Dr. B. Sabel, from University Hospital Munich, and learn how artificial intelligence in radiology can positively impact the quality of cardiology care.

The AI-Rad Companion family is growing

Learn more about AI-Rad Companion offerings for various modalities and body regions.

How customers use AI-Rad Companion

Customers around the world are using AI-Rad Companion in their clinical routine. Learn how they benefit since they started using AI-Rad Companion Chest CT in their daily work.

Clinical Outcomes

AI-Rad Companion may help you to increase precision and speed up your workflow

We developed the AI-Rad Companion to help you cope with a growing workload. With its deep learning algorithms, AI-Rad Companion automatically highlights abnormalities, segments anatomies, and compares results to reference values.


Smooth integration of artificial intelligence into the radiology environment

AI-Rad Companion can be fully integrated into the image interpretation workflow and helps you to handle your daily workload with greater ease.

Drive productivity with seamless integration in the reading and reporting workflow includingautomated measurements and DICOM structured reports ̶ while every workflow step remains under control to enable evidence based ions.


The entire global population has been impacted, in one way or another, by the COVID-19 virus. The AI-Rad Companion, our Siemens Healthineers AI driven solution, offers our customers the opportunity to have access to different postprocessing software for the analysis of lung examinations.

AI-Rad Companion Chest X-ray1

Chest imaging, X-ray in particular, plays an important role in patient management during the COVID-19 pandemic5. Patient management and clinical decisions depend on clinical outcomes and imaging reports. The new member of the AI-Rad Companion family, the AI-Rad Companion Chest X-ray, automatically processes upright chest X-ray images (PA direction). Next to pneumothorax, pleural effusion and nodule detection, the AI-Rad Companion Chest X-ray is able to indicate consolidations and atelectasis. The latter may be signs of pneumonia caused by the COVID-19 virus.

AI-Rad Companion Chest CT

Next to all extensions the AI-Rad Companion Chest CT, evaluates the pulmonary density, highlights and quantifies areas of pneumonia which could have been caused by a COVID-19 infection.
It offers:

  • A Quick & Easy overview of the lung with a color-coded pictogram
  • Segmentation and Quantification of ground-glass opacities and high densities in the lung
  • VRT (Volume Rendering) for additional overview of opacity spatial distribution
  • 2D axial views - overlaid with delineations of the opacities and the lungs   

More Information

AI-Rad Companion Chest CT was nominated and won two prizes at the R&D 1003 awards 2020.
  1. Best Analytical device
  2. Special recognition: Market Disruptor

For full article Click Here


Several devices of AI-Rad Companion are planned and under development, not commercially available in all countries, and their future availability cannot be ensured. Please contact your local Siemens Healthineers organization for further details.

  1. AI-Rad Companion Chest X-ray is currently under development; it is not for sale in the United States and other countries. CE mark is available.

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AI-Rad Companion,workflow solution,diagnostic,digital health,RSNA, RSNA 2021,Imaging IT solutions,artificial intelligence, radiology, Siemens Healthinears The AI-Rad Companion, our family of AI-powered, augmented workflow solutions, helps you to reduce the burden of basic repetitive tasks and may increase your diagnostic precision when interpreting medical images.