Search Tag: Interventions

Executive Health Management

2020 11 May

Summary: For the past 15 years Prof. Andy Tatem has been working with population data globally, and his team was one of the first to analyse the COVID-19 spread and interventions during the outbreak in China. He speaks with about public health measures, COVID-19 changing the nature of research, and how data could and should be...Read more

Executive Health Management

2020 04 May

The COVID-19 pandemic has put the world on hold these past months with major social and economic consequences. Now in many countries the restrictions are about to be or already being lifted, and it is crucial for policymakers to accurately predict how the spread of the virus will change over time.   You may also like : Policy, Guidance...Read more

Executive Health Management

2016 16 Feb

A new study shows that behavioural interventions that target the competitive spirits and desire of doctors to strengthen their reputations can motivate them to reduce unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions. The study is published in The Journal of the American Medical Association.  Principal investigator and senior author Jason Doctor, Director of Health...Read more

Executive Health Management

2016 17 Apr

The first European Conference on Interventional Oncology (ECIO 2008/ET 2008) was organised by the CIRSE Foundation in April 2008, and was a great success. The scientific content, the quality of the presentations, and the overall number of delegates who attended the meeting exceeded even the best expectations.  In order to cater to the growing number...Read more