Professor Lluís Donoso Bach, Spain

A most valuable contributor to the quality of our publication as section Editor-in-Chief for Imaging, Lluís Donoso Bach, MD, PhD has been with us since HealthManagement’s inception in 2013. Prior to that, he was at the helm of Imaging Management for one year.

Professor Donoso Bach is Director of the Diagnostic Imaging Department at Spain’s Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, University of Barcelona since 2006. He is also Executive Director, UDIAT Centre Diagnòstic, Sabadell since 1998, and has served as Professor of Radiology at the University of Barcelona.

Born in 1955 in Sabadell (Barcelona), Lluís Donoso Bach earned his MD at the School of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 1981. His medical PhD followed in 1992.

A recipient of a number of honours, such as the Gold Medal of the Spanish Society of Radiology, his honorary memberships include the Mexican Federation of Radiology and the Societies of Radiology in Argentina, Chile France, Germany, Italy, Mexico and Serbia. 

Prof. Donoso Bach is actively involved in professional societies from around the world, in particular at the European Society of Radiology (ESR), where he has served in various positions since 2000. The Spanish Society for Diagnostic Radiology (SERAM) benefited from his expertise between the years 1998 and 2006, where he was Vice-President the first five years, then President until 2006. From 2012 to 2014 he was the Secretary General of the International Society of Radiology. He is currently the 1st ESR Vice-President, and he is the President of the Spanish Foundation of Radiology.

Professor Donoso Bach is active in many research projects. In his early career, he focused on abdominal imaging, and liver disease in particular. More recently his interests have embraced digital imaging and the development and implementation of IT in diagnostic radiology. Under his leadership, a large R&D team was built at the UDIAT, leading to several patents and products widely used all over Spain. He has published over 90 articles and seven book chapters and is a renowned international lecturer. 

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healthmanagement, editorial board Professor Lluís Donoso Bach, Spain A most valuable contributor to the quality of our publication as section Editor-in-Chief for Imaging, Lluís Donoso B...