St. George’s Healthcare NHS Trust (“the Trust”) - which incorporates one of the UK’s largest teaching hospitals - is setting a new standard for patient care in the UK, having agreed a landmark £2.5 million deal with Philips Healthcare to install state-of-the-art monitoring technology.
Designed to support improved clinical decision making and aid hospital staff in their ability to quickly and effectively monitor changes in patients’ conditions, this potentially lifesaving equipment will soon be accessible to the estimated 3.5 million people who come through the doors of the Trust each year.
“When it comes to saving lives, we all understand that time is of the essence,” commented John-Jo Campell, Chief Information Officer of St. George’s Healthcare. “This new monitoring equipment, which is already being used in the Emergency Department and both our cardiac and paediatric intensive care units, will be deployed across the rest of our critical care areas and operating theatres during 2014. The equipment will not only help ensure that changes in patients’ vital signs are rapidly identified and addressed, but will ultimately help speed-up workflow across departments and result in significant efficiency savings.”
Importantly, the entire installation - which consists of Philips’ latest generation of IntelliVue monitors, including the largest UK install to-date of Philips IntelliVue MX40 wearable patient monitor - has been undertaken using the Trust’s existing Wi-Fi system. Not only has this resulted in a significant cost saving for the Trust, but it will ensure a true continuum of care for patients as they move around the hospital.
“One of the most significant challenges associated with this install has to be the sheer scale of it,” continues John-Jo Campell. “With more than 300 monitors being installed across 48 departments, the support of the Philips Project Management and Engineering Team, and training provided by Philips Clinical Applications Specialists (CAS) is proving key. Our ultimate aim of course, is to ensure the minimal amount of disruption for patients and the maximum level of assurance for staff.”
Mr. Neil Mesher, Managing Director of Philips Healthcare UK & Ireland, commented, “It’s always exciting to be involved in a project of this scale, one that will have a positive impact on the lives of millions across London and the UK. As a result of this installation, wherever patients are in their pathway of care, they can be confident that their progress is being monitored, whilst at the same time hospital staff can benefit from the reassurance and ease-of-use this innovative new technology brings.”

Source and Image Credit: Philips Healthcare

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Philips, NHS, Patient monitoring, health monitoring, medical technology St. George’s Healthcare NHS Trust (“the Trust”) - which incorporates one of the UK’s largest teaching hospitals - is setting a new standard for pat...