McKesson Pharmacy Systems and Automation (MPS&A) has launched its Adherence Performance reporting solution for pharmacies at McKesson ideaShare, an annual tradeshow that brings community pharmacy owners and representatives together to network and share new ideas.. Using pharmacy data the new solution provides pharmacies with the actionable data they need to help improve the adherence of their patient base.

“Many solutions on the market today can assist pharmacies in the execution of an adherence programme, but our solution uses a combination of the customers’ own pharmacy data and our proprietary algorithm to help bring focus and fast results to any adherence program implemented by our customers,” said Emilie Ray, president MPS&A.

McKesson ran a successful pilot programme on the new solution with some of its EnterpriseRx® customers over the past few months to test its success in various pharmacy models. Participants widely agreed that the new solution helped them set a direction and implement measurement goals for their adherence programs.

“Stores that currently struggle, and maybe avoid looking for a solution to adherence, find the current solutions to be overwhelming or a financial burden to their business, but this type of solution, which is simple, inexpensive and doable, helps make their goals a little easier to achieve,” said Hashim Zaibak, RPh. and proprietor of Hayat Pharmacy, Milwaukee.

While Zaibak and his team have always placed importance on adherence for the sake of each patient’s health, he believes that the Adherence Performance Solution has made an impact in the short time they’ve being using it.

“We have our own programmes we used for adherence, but we had misses because we tried to identify patients manually,” he said. “The Adherence Performance solution helped us identify all of our opportunities and ultimately help more patients become adherent.”

Not shying away from the business benefits of the Adherence Performance solution, Zaibak stated that a successful adherence programme aligns to a successful future for retail pharmacies.

“We’ve always known that adherence is important because it’s the right thing for the patient, but now plan bonuses are being impacted significantly by their CMS Star ratings. Pharmacies that perform really well with adherence will continue to be part of certain networks, but those who don’t run the risk of being excluded,” Zaibak said.

This latest service offering from MPS&A provides pharmacies with an adherence rating similar to the CMS Star Ratings provided to health plans. This rating can help pharmacies understand their adherence rating by organising pharmacy management system data and giving pharmacies succinct information on target patients who should be included in an adherence program.

The new adherence solution from MPS&A also provides pharmacies with the following reports:

Dashboard summary: Shows the organisation’s overall adherence rating for all locations along with benchmarking data showing how the organization compares to the rest of its market. This summary also shows the organszation’s adherence rating trend over time.
Adherence ratings by pharmacy location: Pharmacies can understand which locations have higher and/or lower ratings to target improvement plans by location
Adherent patient target number: Specifies how many additional patients need to be adherent to increase rating
Adherence rating by plan: Report for pharmacies to share with plans to show their current adherence rating and improvement over time
Target patient list: Summary list of patients to target for an adherence program
Patient group summary: Report by patient group set up in the pharmacy management system

Source: McKesson

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Software, pharmacy, McKesson McKesson Pharmacy Systems and Automation (MPS&A) has launched its Adherence Performance reporting solution for pharmacies at McKesson ideaShare, an ann...