The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Global IP Center presented Joe Kiani, Founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Masimo, with the 2015 Life Sciences IP Champion Award at a ceremony commemorating World IP Day in Washington, D.C.

Mr. Kiani has more than 65 patents in his name and more than 575 patents issued or filed by Masimo, in medical technologies related to noninvasive patient monitoring. Mr. Kiani is the first individual in the Life Sciences category to receive this prestigious award. He was selected for his pioneering work in life sciences, his prolific patent portfolio, his passion for innovation, and his advocacy for strong intellectual property protection in the United States and across the globe.

"IP Champion Awards celebrate life-saving cures, amazing inventions, creative content, ground-breaking entrepreneurs, and protection efforts across a range of industries and geographies," Brian Noyes, executive director of strategy and communications at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Global IP Center. "IP Champions demonstrate how innovation enriches our lives, and how intellectual property is key to their development."

The Global IP Center noted that the U.S. economy is driven by the need to innovate, create, and develop new ways to serve consumers, and that intellectual property protection plays an essential role. When inventors, researchers, engineers, artists, and entrepreneurs know that their work will be protected and rewarded through strong IP rights – including patents, trademarks, and copyrights – they have the certainty and the incentive to keep the economy-boosting innovations coming.

"I am honored to receive this award. Innovation is not only vital for improving patients' lives but is also the cornerstone of our economy. My company was built on breakthrough innovations that not only made noninvasive pulse oximetry reliable, but made noninvasive monitoring of hemoglobin, carbon monoxide, and many other blood constituents possible. Without the promise of a strong IP system to defend our innovation, we wouldn't have been able to raise the more than $90 million in venture capital financing we needed to break even," said Joe Kiani, Founder and CEO of Masimo "However, to be a champion of innovation means so much more to me. In the middle of more than 100 billion galaxies each with billions of stars and all of the forces around us, innovation is crucial for the survival of the human race. To be on the side of a strong and deliberate IP system that fosters innovation, is to be on the right side of history."

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce created the Global Intellectual Property Center to meet the serious criminal and policy threats facing investors, IP-industries, and consumers. Today, the organisation is leading a worldwide effort to champion intellectual property rights as vital to creating jobs, saving lives, advancing global economic growth, and generating breakthrough solutions to global challenges. For more information, please visit

Article source and image credit: Masimo
Image caption: Joe Kiani, Founder, CEO of Masimo

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Masimo, awards, innovation The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Global IP Center presented Joe Kiani, Founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Masimo, with the 2015 Life Sciences IP Champion Award at a ceremony commemorating World IP Day in Washington, D.C.