Healthcare management innovation in the fields of patient care, clinical work, nursing, human resources and information systems were high on the agenda at the thirty fourth European Hospital and Healthcare Federation Agora (HOPE AGORA) congress held in Warsaw on the first two days of June.

Held on the theme of “Hospitals 2020: hospitals of the future, healthcare of the future”, drug management, laboratory operations, finances, quality management and patient involvement were also major themes which emerged from the expertise exchange of 128 participants working in health management in 19 European countries.

“There is no such international cooperation in the entire world of healthcare management and we as Europeans should be extremely proud of it,” Chairman of HOPE AGORA 2015, Professor Jaroslaw J. Fedorowski said.
One important objective of HOPE is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and skills within the European Union. A second principle is the provision of training and hands-on experience for professionals working in hospitals and healthcare in Europe.

HOPE AGORA operates like an exchange programme where health professionals spend time in a host country for an insight into local practices. Every year, the theme of the gathering changes with participants given the opportunity to learn how the topic has been developed in the host country. The congress closes with presentations from each country where professionals share views on what they have found inspiring about the local system and how they can learn from it in order to face challenges back home in their institution, ward or region.

HOPE Chief Executive Mr Pascal Garel closed the exchange with words that reflected the mood of the gathering and aims of HOPE AGORA. "Don't forget, HOPE is you,” he said.

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Collaboration, expertise, hospital, management, education, experience, HOPE AGORA 2015 HOPE AGORA 2015