A professional services company has said that technology will assist companies across all sectors be health focused after COVID-19 crisis passes.


Accenture, headquartered in Dublin, has said companies will have to put measures in place once employees return to work to ensure a secure and healthy environment.


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“Companies will need to invest in health resources to make their employees feel safe. Thankfully, technology can help them get there, said Gianfranco Casati, Accenture’s chief executive for growth markets.


“We used to say every business will be a digital business,” he said. “But today we say every business will be a health business."


Casati pointed out Ferrari which has installed a "Back on Track" plan devised with a pool of virologists and health experts for creation of a safe working environment for staff


He said that the COVID-19 crisis may necessitate firms putting protective measures in place including having an onsite medical team.


Disney recently said it may make to standard procedure to check visitor temperatures once its theme parks reopen.



Source: BBC

Image credit: iStock


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