HealthManagement, Volume 4 / Issue 2 / 2009

3-D Electronic Patient Record

Researchers at IBM are testing a 3-D version of an electronic patient record at Thy-Mors Hospital, Northern Denmark.


The software creates a medical information hub and even includes an avatar (Sanskrit for incarnation), which was created by scientists at IBM’s Zurich Research laboratory.


IBM scientists claim that by using a 3-D representation of the human body, the avatar helps medical staff navigate an electronic patient file. The avatar can be rotated and can zoom in and out in order to achieve the desired level of detail. Different views can be selected, for example to inspect organs or the circulatory, muscular and nervous systems. Arrows appear on the parts of the body to denote that medical data is available for that particular area. Clicking on the arrows results in the practitioner being provided with all information available.


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