Siemens Healthcare Customer Services is supporting Spire Southampton Hospital’s diagnostic imaging department through the use of a new remote troubleshooting service - syngo® Remote Assist. The hospital uses a SOMATOM® Definition AS CT system from Siemens Healthcare to perform a number of imaging exams. It was recently required to undertake a challenging angiography head scan on a patient. This procedure was new for clinicians at the hospital and required the advice and guidance on the protocol from the Siemens Application team.
Thanks to the capability of syngo Remote Assist, the Siemens Application Specialist was able to help the radiographer almost immediately. Within minutes of the request coming through, system access was obtained by the Application Specialist. The operator was supported in setting up the appropriate protocol and guided through the examination workflow, thus ensuring the procedure was undertaken with confidence and success. Without the capability of syngo Remote Assist and the Siemens Application team’s support, it is likely the patient would have faced a delay.  
syngo Remote Assist provides protected remote support through a secure broadband Virtual Private Network, allowing for direct and seamless troubleshooting and advice between a Siemens Healthcare application specialist and the clinicians at their workstation. The application enabled the Siemens Application Specialist to view the workstations at Spire Southampton, remotely access the CT system and visualise the specific protocol the department was looking to adapt.
“We make the most of the functionality within our medical equipment and it is important we have access to the latest knowledge to operate it effectively,” explains Ann Budd, Senior Radiographer at Spire Southampton Hospital. “In this particular case, not only would it have been impossible to conduct the changes to the protocol at such short notice, but with syngo Remote Assist we also had access to the Siemens Application Specialist almost immediately: it was as if they were here with us in the room.” 
“syngo Remote Assist enables us to support our customers quickly. Not only does it allow us to speak live to the customer, but more importantly we can see what they see on their workstation and help them in real time. Another real benefit for the customer is they don’t have to wait for an Application Specialist to come to the site; the remote login allows us to provide support to the hospital at any given moment,” states Dan Gibbons, Siemens Application Lead for syngo Remote Assist. 

Ann Budd, Senior Radiographer at Spire Southampton Hospital, has recently experienced remote training with syngo® Remote Assist from a Siemens Healthcare Application Specialist to enable head CT angiography on a patient.

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Imaging, IT, Siemens, UK Siemens Healthcare Customer Services is supporting Spire Southampton Hospital’s diagnostic imaging department through the use of a new remote troubleshoo...