COVID-19 accelerated the remote operation and delivery of most aspects of healthcare. Despite the difficult odds, it required everyone to show agility, innovation and high level of education and support to ensure everyone could continue their everyday tasks and deliver quality healthcare. This year’s congress represents this accelerated effort, and it is reflected in the same level of education, content and discussion, from experts and professionals in radiology and imaging, who have dedicated their resources, time and knowledge to make the congress a success.


The chosen theme of this year’s ECR 2023 is ‘The Cycle of Life’. The theme is meant to focus on the centrality of radiology to healthcare throughout life. This year’s theme is not underpinned by a specific speciality, but rather to highlight the key role that radiology can play in all stages of life. Radiology offers us clear images for identifying illness and diagnostic clues, and provides insights into the progress of treatment; imaging allows us to assess the healthy and examine all aspects of the human life from pre-birth to the afterlife.


ECR 2023 continuous to reflect similar continuous themes, introducing more than 30 scientific and educational sessions dedicated to radiographers. ECR is the prime location to invite professionals from across the world not only to share, but also to exchange their knowledge and learn from one another in radiology.


One of this year’s highlight is the Trainees in Focus programme, with an added emphasis given to broader areas including work-life balance, wellbeing and inclusivity and diversity.


The congress will offer young professionals a series of sessions, where they can heed the advice and survival tips from experienced radiologists. Importantly, it is stressed not to expect to be perfect in everything one does, strive to be the best one can be and be kind to yourself and your colleagues.


Lastly, one cannot expect to practice radiology in the same way one is doing today. What is learnt and practiced today will be reduced in 10 years’ time due to the rapidly changing nature of this field. Therefore, it is important to adapt to the winds of change and not to fight them. By being proactive, adaptable and conscious that communication with patients is critical, one can ensure a bright future in the field of radiologiy. 

Image Source: ECR

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Radiology, ECR, ECR 2023, European Congress of Radiology ECR 2023: The Cycle of Life