HealthManagement, Volume 12 - Issue 1, 2012

The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers is proud to present the Winners, Finalists and Nominees for the IT @ Networking Awards 2012 (IT @  2012). These fifteen medical technology and healthcare IT projects came to Brussels on the IT @ 2012 January to battle it out to win the coveted IT @ 2012 trophy and prize money. 

Yet again the sheer number and quality of submitted projects surpassed our expectations. This year projects ranged from EMRs and telemonitoring to whole genome sequencing and predictive software. Competition was fierce but in the end Ian de Vega took the top prize with the South African primary healthcare information system.


How it Works

The IT @ Networking Awards 2012 is an open competition for fully implemented, operable healthcare IT and medical technology solutions. IT @ 2012 identifies some of the finest and most innovative departmental, institutional, local, regional and national healthcare solutions.

Intelligent medical technology and IT increase cost-effectiveness, productivity and safety and IT @ 2012 is designed to help healthcare facilities identify proven medical technology investments. It is an event to promote healthcare IT innovation and collaboration on a European and even global level.

The competition spanned over two days. The first day saw each nominee introduce their project to their peers and the expert panel of judges in a short MindByte presentation in the hope of winning votes and progressing to the second round of more detailed WorkBench presentations. Interactive in nature, each presenter was crossexamined by the audience, expert judges and their fellow competitors in question and answer sessions after each presentation. As always attendees did not hold back in their questioning!

To ensure cross-departmental understanding and facilitate comparison between projects, each presentation must adhere to our strict presentation criteria. After each presentation and Q&A session the audience and expert judges (CEOs, CIOs, CMIOs, hospital and IT managers, radiologists, policy makers and physicians) also cast their vote according to this structure.

Presentation Criteria


What technology was used and how was it integrated into the workplace?


Has the project helped those it was designed to help? Has the project changed how tasks are performed? What new advantages or opportunities does the project provide?


What makes the solution special? Are there any original features? Is it the first, the only, the best or the most effective application of its kind? Is it an improvement on existing implementations?


What important obstacles had to be overcome? Were there any technical or organisational problems?


Has the project achieved or exceeded its goals? How do you see the project’s success affecting other applications, your facility or other organisations? How quickly would the users accept the implications of this innovation?


What is your overall impression of the project?


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