HealthManagement, Volume 11 - Issue 3, 2011

Dear reader,

Much is required of Chairmen in the medical imaging department. The skill range required goes beyond the clinical act, and must also incorporate a diverse variety of managerial attributes that are both as important and as challenging as diagnosing patients. One of these is the ability to manage workload in a way that creates a fair and balanced life for your workforce and reduces the chances of low morale or underperformance amongst employees.

Inside, our cover story addresses some of the main human resources and workload issues being dealt with by radiologists. An interview with Dean of the Irish Faculty of Radiologists, Dr. Adrian Brady, discusses his recent study on measuring radiological workload, which proves that a solid evidence base is essential if we are to convince the powers that be to support change.

Also in our cover story, we also take a look at important recruiting skills every Chairman needs to know, with a view to avoiding litigation. When recruiting is, however, not an option, what parallel approaches can you take to solve a shortage of skilled workers in the radiology department and ease workload issues? A paper from the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) may have the answer. Skill mix is an increasingly used term amongst leaders and managers in the medical imaging world. Radiographers are increasingly undergoing more and more sophisticated education, and continued skill learning. However, the majority state that antiquated departmental policies mean that they are not given the chance to do their maximum in the imaging department. This important paper reveals the ongoing situation.

In addition, Dr. Remy Lim examines why public radiologists are so much more at risk from burnout, stress and lower working satisfaction, compared to their private sector counterparts, and describes a 'hot seat' method applied in his department to ensure that departmental performance does not suffer as a result.

I am also keen to direct readers to a special focus section developed in coordination with Association Partners the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE), that showcases recent medical innovations in this growing and exciting specialty. Please visit page 34 and read about their upcoming congress in September, as well as three papers on diabetes, neuro-interventions and oncology from the point of view of the interventional specialist.

To offer your feedback on any of the articles or topics discussed in this journal, please write [email protected].

Prof. Iain McCall
