HealthManagement, Volume 11 - Issue 3, 2011

The second ever round of European Board of Interventional Radiology (EBIR) exams, a newly developed European-level qualification for competence in interventional radiology, will be held during the coming Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE) congress in Munich. As published previously in this journal, EBIR is an important step in the recognition of IR, as it standardises training and expertise across Europe. CIRSE state

"We anticipate that the EBIR will represent a recognised qualification of high value to interventional radiologists in their career development and assisting IRs in the promotion of their skills and experience in IR when dealing with other clinical colleagues and with the general public".

EBIR also aims to facilitate the free movement of IRs by providing a recognised qualification to confirm proof of training, supplemental to any national qualifications. EBIR is organised with under the supervision of CIRSE, the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the UEMS Interventional Radiology Division. Further information is available at: