Prof. Dr. Marco Zanetti is President of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR),2014-2015. He is Head of the Musculoskeletal Radiology Centre at the Institute of Radiology, Clinic Hirslanden in Zurich, Switzerland. ESSR's Annual Scientific Meeting opens in York, UK on 18 June.

We put our 7 questions to Prof. Zanetti.

1. What are your key areas of interest and research?
Based on my CV it is obvious that my main interest is musculoskeletal radiology. In this area I focus on research about the clinical efficiency of all radiological modalities, but basically on MR imaging.

2. What are the major challenges in your field?
During the last decades imaging has been becoming faster, more widely available, and allows imaging with increased spatial resolution within a reasonable time. This tendency has prompted many tiny findings to be detected with questionable clinical importance. Thus, a challenge of imaging in the future may be that imaging can be more specific. An example in this direction was the implementation of dual energy CT for the detection of the urate deposits in the gout diagnostic.

3. What is your top management tip?
I stress to my co-workers not only to do the job – not only to do what the superior, the senior has said. I encourage them to use common sense whenever possible on each occasion.

4. What would you single out as a career highlight?
I am the president of the ESSR, which is definitely a highlight. The best aspect of this job is that I am surrounded not only by excellent radiologists but also by good friends who call you when you have harder times.

5. If you had not chosen this career path you would have become a…?
I am very happy with this career. Radiology overall is a dynamic and very interesting discipline. The job as a  subspecialist (as a musculo-skeletal  radiologist) makes it even more comfortable. Another discipline in medicine I could not imagine. My son is actually finishing his law studies. That would be something I would be interested in too.

6. What are your personal interests outside of work?
“Unfortunately”, I spend a lot of time  watching soccer. I am a fan and member of the football (soccer) club Basel (FC Basel).

7. Your favourite quote?
“Persistence pays”. This sentence addresses for example to the young enthusiastic doctors starting research projects. Often they start with new ideas but the big challenge of most research projects is to get it finished – to get it published.

In the clinical routine “persistence pays” as well, eg if you want to have appropriate standard radiographs without off-projections you have to instruct, to control, and to correct persistently.

Before joining Clinic Hirslanden, Prof. Zanetti served as Deputy chief (1994-2010), Radiology, at the Orthopedic University Hospital Balgrist, then as Chief (2010-2011)
Prof. Zanetti has published 125 original peer reviewed papers: 55 in Radiology, 20 in AJR, 50 in other journals and 30 review papers or case reports. Since 2008 he has been Chief Editor of Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology, and also served on the Editorial boards of Radiology (2009-2014) and Skeletal Radiology (2008-2012).


European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology

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