• Measuring the Nation’s Health

    Summary: A new health index proposed by the UK Government may be an effective way of collecting and acting upon abundant health data. It could also facilitate funding allocation to the most efficient initiatives, if devised and applied properly. As a nation, we do not lack health statistics. We collect hundreds of figures, from simple mortality...

  • Healthcare Data: Creating a Learning Healthcare Ecosystem

    Summary: The future of global healthcare requires a shift towards a real-time, digital learning healthcare ecosystem, but how can we use patient data to achieve this goal? Healthcare data is seen by many as the ‘new goldmine,’ with many businesses in this field evaluated and sold at a significant value. Flatiron, the start-up...

  • Vendor-Driven Standards for Interoperability

    David Hancock, the healthcare executive advisor at InterSystems, was recently elected vendor co-chair of INTEROPen, a UK collaboration that promotes open standards for interoperability in the health and care sector. HealthManagement.org spoke to David about why he wants INTEROPen to be vendor-led and how this approach will help both suppliers and...

  • EUSOBI 2019

    About 1000 breast Imaging professionals are meeting this October for the EUSOBI Annual Scientific Meeting in Budapest. Congress organiser, Gabor Forrai spoke to HealthManagement.org about what’s in store and the organisation’s ambitions for the future. What are some of the key challenges in the field of breast imaging and how will these be...

  • Managing the Whole Health of the Ageing Population

    Summary: With a rapidly growing older population, effective care for ageing patients will require healthcare stakeholders to collaborate in managing the whole health of these patients.  Throughout the world, but especially in Europe and Northern America, the population is ageing at an alarming rate. The United Nations Department of Economic...

  • Opportunities and Risks of Digital Health: Older People’s Perspective

    Summary: The publication of the European Commission Strategy for Artificial Intelligence in April 2018 kicked-off a heated debate on healthcare tech. AGE Platform Europe joined the discussion with Europe’s senior population at the forefront of their agenda. Promising Outcomes, Threatening Systems Artificial intelligence has become a key...

  • Image Information Delivery in the AI Era: Two Likely Scenarios

    Summary: As the world enters further into the transformative power of technology, Stephen Baker questions how this information revolution, in particular, AI will affect the capabilities available to industry experts. Many fields of knowledge, dependent on technology, can experience abrupt, massive growth as new techniques and...

  • The Sex and Gender Influence on Hypertension

    Despite underlying physiological differences and a different set of risk factors, diagnosis, management, and treatment strategies for hypertension do not account for sex and gender variances. Evidence-based guidelines for hypertension treatment from clinical trials are similar between males and females; however, most of these trials do not...

  • Innovative Healthcare Strategies

    Summary: The 28th Congress of the European Association for Hospital Managers took place on 11 - 14 September 2019, where themes combined innovation and healthcare strategies, focusing on what this means for hospital management. Speaking during the Official Inauguration, Pedro Facon gave insights into what he thinks innovative healthcare means to...

  • Advancing Health Through Science and Technology Innovation

    Over the past century, thanks in large part to advances in science, technology and medicine, the average human life expectancy has more than doubled. The pharmaceutical industry has played an important role in these advances by translating basic scientific insights into tangible solutions, and thus has delivered significant value to society in the...

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