HealthManagement, Volume 13, Issue 4/2011

Information and communication technology has entered many domains of our society. It has a huge potential to the benefit of citizens and companies, patients and healthcare institutions. Examples of benefits are increased networking, empowerment and participation of individuals and stakeholders and increased use of information.

But the challenges in healthcare are huge. Values such as universality, access to quality care, equity and solidarity have been identified as crucial for health services in the European Union and many hospitals spend a lot of effort translating these challenges into a strategy. 

A crucial step for the successful deployment of IT solutions in a hospital is the translation of the hospital strategy into an IT master plan. The hospital director cannot remain passive but has a crucial role to play in this matter. In the meantime, the IT industry has developed multiple solutions for the many challenges hospitals are facing. Hospitals have introduced them in different ways, sometimes in an integrated way. There is a growing demand to align the IT landscape within the hospital to the general goals and strategy of the hospital. 

EAHM and its member organisations are bringing hospital CEOs together around this topic in a two-day event. Special attention is given to the role of the CEO in deriving an IT strategy from the hospital strategy and the implementation of an ITmaster plan. 

After the seminar for our German speaking colleagues in Vienna (September 15-16), our Eastern European colleagues are next as they are welcomed for the Conference "Achievements of Healthcare Institutions in Optimising Management of Information Technologies" organised by The Lithuanian Union of Healthcare Managers and EAHM on October 12-13 in Vilnius (Lithuania).

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