• Advancing in Value-based Procurement: From Theory to Practice

      Experts in public healthcare procurement explore the benefits of value-based procurement on patient care, efficiency, and innovation within the framework of European legal directives and Spanish regulations.   Key Points Effective value-based procurement requires inclusive leadership and stakeholder engagement, including public administrations,...

  • Misconceptions and Risks of Medical Tourism

      Medical Tourism has been hyped to be an exponential growth sector. However, investors, government officials and healthcare executives should be cautious as healthcare is and will remain a primarily local business.   Key Points Medical Tourism data is usually provided by stakeholders, with a vested interest, varies widely, and...

  • Power of Healthcare Procurement: Relevance, Use, Impact for Affordability, Quality, Innovativeness

    Procurement plays a crucial role in achieving affordability and profitability in the healthcare sector. With ever-rising healthcare expenditures, the focus on procuring products and services efficiently and effectively is essential. Collaboration between healthcare providers as buyers and with their suppliers is vital. By embracing a broader notion...

  • The Distinction Between Trading and Investing

    An overview of the basics of the financial market, differences in trading and investing and risk management strategies.   Key Points The financial market can seem confusing and is often an unnerving space for the untrained eye. Two terms that are often used interchangeably are trading and investing, despite possessing different meanings....

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