Imaging clinical decision support systems are the next generation tools for the appropriate utilisation of diagnostic imaging.


Statistics show that up to 26% of all imaging is ordered incorrectly. This is because orders are generally placed without evidence-based standards. The goal should be to ensure the right order the first time.


The Medicalis Clinical Decision Support (CDS) from Siemens Healthineers aims to do just that. This solution has an intuitive design that makes it easy for providers to request imaging consultations based on an evidence-based and targeted approach. The advantage of this system is that it allows referring physicians to order exams that have the potential for a positive impact on patient care, improve the quality of care and provide added value.


The Medicalis Clinical Decision Support system offers the following advantages:


  • It improves quality and reduces wasteful utilisation.
  • It reduces communication breakdowns and operational inefficiencies.
  • It engages providers and encourages best practices.
  • It allows the implementation of local standards of care.


The Medicalis Clinical Decision Support system can be implemented gradually because Siemens Healthineers provides support throughout the rollout process, accommodates an organisation’s existing workflow, and supports multiple guidelines. It is an adaptable system that addresses imaging clinical decision support regulations such as the ones by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) PAMA mandate in the U.S. The PAMA mandate is the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) which aims to ensure the appropriate use of advanced imaging exams. Both the ordering professional and the furnishing professional are expected to meet the mandate.


The Medicalis CDS Consult Portal offers 24/7, easy online access to clinical decision support. Healthcare professionals can review the basis of recommendation. This way, the CDS system educates and motivates healthcare providers to use imaging appropriately and reduce unnecessary imaging costs. The system also provides in-depth analytics for imaging to help healthcare providers make data-driven decisions to improve the quality of care and increase operational efficiency.


Source: Siemens Healthineers

Image Credit: Siemens Healthineers

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diagnostic imaging, CDS, clinical decision support, Medicalis Clinical Decision Support System Clinically Appropriate Use of Diagnostic Imaging With Medicalis CDS