• How can the NHS reduce its £300,000,000 temporary staffing spend?

    While the staffing crisis facing the NHS   has been   well-documented , the mechanics behind how Trusts secure skills, and how this contributes to the problem is rarely discussed. The fact is that NHS Trusts are frittering away millions of pounds each year through inefficient, disjointed staffing strategies, and small tweaks in terms of...

  • Let Doctors Be Doctors. It's About Time.

    LetDoctorsBeDoctors.com is a forum for healthcare professionals that allows them to communicate their vision for the future of Electronic Health Records (EHRs). (Watch video at end of article) The objective is for healthcare professionals to share their frustrations and concerns about EHR as well as make recommendations. It is believed that by...

  • Long NHS waiting times are killing UK productivity: Forging new partnerships

      Lengthening NHS waiting times, compounded by an ageing population and associated long-term conditions, is compromising the health of the UK workforce. We know workplace absence costs the UK economy £18 billion in lost productivity each year and that figure is expected to reach £26 billion by 2030. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis alone...

  • Zoom on Profile: Peter J. Pronovost, MD, PhD, FCCM

    Dr. Peter Pronovost is a world-renowned patient safety champion, critical care physician, a prolific researcher, publishing over 800 peer review publications, and a global thought leader, informing US and global health policy. His scientific work leveraging checklists to reduce catheter-related bloodstream infections has saved thousands of lives...

  • Challenges and opportunities for laboratory testing

    It is undeniable that laboratory testing is vital for the diagnosis, prognostication and therapeutic monitoring of human disease. Despite the many advances made for achieving a high degree of quality and safety in the analytical part of diagnostic testing, many hurdles in the total testing process remain, for example in the  preanalytical phase when...

  • Long NHS waiting times are killing UK productivity: Harnessing emerging technologies

    We now live our everyday lives in a digital world   where new technologies like artificial intelligence and virtual reality are taken for granted. They have transformed the way we receive services and, in many cases, made them more convenient and more efficient. In contrast, much of the UK healthcare system is failing to keep pace with these developments...

  • Long NHS waiting times are killing UK productivity: Getting the basics right

      The government’s recently announced 10-year plan for the NHS promises a host of improvements, particularly around out-of-hospital care, integrated care and population health management.  But it says surprisingly little about reducing waiting times to improve the economy’s productivity.   Since the global economic crisis of 2008/09, UK productivity has...

  • Zoom on Profile: David B. Mayer, MD

    Dr. Mayer is the Chief Executive Officer for the Patient Safety Movement Foundation. He also serves as the Executive Director of MedStar Institute for Quality and Safety and previously served for almost seven years as MedStar Health’s Vice-President for Quality and Safety. He joined MedStar from the University of Illinois Medical Center in...

  • For universal healthcare, quality is not the icing, it’s the cake

    Imagine this nightmare scenario. You are diagnosed with renal cancer. The recommended treatment is removal of a kidney. You check into the hospital, have the operation. You wake up assuming you’re cured, only to be told that the surgeon mistakenly removed the healthy kidney and left the diseased one inside. This may sound like something out of a horror...

  • Why NHS Trusts would benefit from long-term strategies over locum ‘quick fixes’

    It’s no secret that the NHS is under-staffed and under-funded. It’s hard to read the news without coming across a report on the doctor-shortage, its impact on patient care and the growing cost of agency locums. Indeed, according to a recent analysis from the King’s Fund, Nuffield Trust and  Health  Foundation, the gap between available staff and...

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