International medical imaging IT and cybersecurity company Sectra announces a five-year contract with Swedish healthcare provider Danderyd Hospital AB to provide PACS and RIS for radiology and cardiology. This solution comprises a cloud service hosted within the healthcare organization, which will be integrated with Stockholm County Council’s shared archive for medical images. Sectra will be responsible for administrating and maintaining the solution, allowing Danderyd Hospital to focus even more on its core activity—offering rapid and efficient healthcare.  

Danderyd Hospital is one of Sweden’s largest acute hospitals. The hospital provides acute and specialist treatment to over 440,000 patients from eleven municipalities.

“Sectra’s proven track record of high availability and stable integrations with other systems were important aspects in our choice of vendor. Another key factor is that the solution is delivered through the cloud, which increases efficiency and reliability,” says Jenny Bäcklund, Operations Manager at the department of radiology at Danderyds sjukhus AB.

Sectra delivers the solution as a complete service, meeting the healthcare providers’ demand for efficiency, scalability and availability around the clock. The solution will be integrated with Stockholm County Council’s shared archive for medical images, VNA, for which Sectra is also the vendor. This shared archive gives physicians access to a patient’s full radiology imaging history and information regardless of which of the region’s hospitals has previously treated the patient.

“Today we are seeing an increasing number of customers choosing the cloud-based service. It enables both cost and operational benefits, as Sectra takes full responsibility for the IT service, which allows the customer to focus even more on offering the best possible care”, says Marie Ekström Trägårdh, vice president at Sectra AB and president at Sectra Imaging IT Solutions.

Source and Image Credit: Sectra

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Cloud Service,Medical Images, Swedish Hospital,Sectra , Sectra PACS , medical IT Sectra (STO: SECT B) announces a five-year contract with Swedish healthcare provider Danderyd Hospital AB to provide PACS and RIS for radiology and cardiology.