• Letter from the Secretary General and Editor-in-Chief, HITM

    Dear Reader, We are all creatures of today, carrying the legacy of yesterday and the vision of our tomorrows. The term 'Megatrend' would then be the red rope which binds the chronology of our lives and all that happens within. Recent years have seen an increase in the already massive attention given to healthcare. In the Western world at least,...

  • Carestream Health Launches New Cloud-Based eHealth Portal Service

    Carestream Health launched a new eHealth portal service at RSNA last week, which will be available in Europe and the United States in early 2011. The new service, which is part of Carestream's portfolio of cloud-based eHealth Managed Services (eMS), enables healthcare providers using the company's remote eHealth Archive Services to access data by any...

  • Security Considerations For Mobile Communications

    Author Louis Leahy Inventor, Armorlog TM VPCSML TM Smart phones and personal digital assistants (PDA) are fast replacing the desktop, laptop and notebook computers as the primary access device of digital network users. In some developing economies that rely on mobile phones primarily for communications...

  • Evidence Based Design

    Author Pernille Weiss Terkildsen Owner and CEO of ArchiMed, Denmark How the built environment in healthcare influences output in terms of patient safety, efficiency, quality of care, staff turnover, total economy etc, is often overlooked. Perhaps this is because hospitals are different to “normal”...

  • E-health in Africa: Beyond the Hype (Part II)

    Author Maurice Mars Professor and Head of Tele-health, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa In this concluding section of his article (the first part was published in our previous issue), Prof. Mars continues his reality check on e-health...

  • Interactive Time-Shifted TV

    HITM Editorial Team Many patients seem resigned to the fact that hospital stays are to be ‘endured.’ Is it possible to make such stays enjoyable, at least to an extent? Some EU hospitals have implemented a Quality Policy aimed at achieving just such a goal. One of these, portrayed below, won an Award from the French National Assembly....

  • Healthcare Reforms in France

    HITM Editorial Team The French healthcare system, in some senses, resembles “a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma”. This may seem an unflattering comment for some; it was the expression used by Winston Churchill to describe the Soviet Union on the eve of the Second World War. However, one could make a case for at least some degree of...

  • E-Health in France

    HITM Editorial Team France’s Hospital 2012 reform plan seeks to double the share of spending on healthcare IT from 1.7 percent - a level at the bottom rungs of the EU league table - to 3 percent, and their modernisation constitutes one of the Plan’s over-arching objectives. The hub of the French healthcare IT modernisation programme is...

  • CSC

    Zealand Region in Denmark First to Adopt CSC Speech Recognition Solution CSC (NYSE: CSC) announced that the Zealand Region in Denmark has become the first health authority in the country to implement CSC's OPUS Speech Recognition solution. This solution will enable healthcare professionals working within the region's ten hospitals to transition...

  • European Commission's HEIDI Still Work in Progress

    Heidi (Health in Europe: Information and Data Interface) is a new website and comprehensive search tool for European health information and data. Launched by the European Commission, DG Health and Consumers on October 6th 2010, it contains information about the public’s state of health, determinants, diseases, health systems, trends, institutional...

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